10 Body Parts With Only Three Letters: Gum

Stop flapping your gums and sell something

Maybe it’s a Southern thing but “flapping your gums” is like “jaw jacking” to me.

It’s just a term I’ve just always known.

The Urban Dictionary defines it as someone who

“talks a lot about topics he or she doesn’t really understand or know about. It also means to say something but not really mean it.“

Don’t be that person, period.

But if you’re that person in a sales role…you won’t have that job for long.

To succeed in the profession of sales, you need to be interested instead of interesting.

Take a sincere interest in what your prospect has to say including their needs, wants, fears, and desires.

Be present and listen 

The overall purpose of the “Make Every Sale” program is not to give you a bunch of cool lines or closing techniques or NLP tricks or ways to manipulate your prospects.

No, the overall goal is to empower you and to give you the confidence to be present and fully listen, observe, hear, and understand what it is your prospect is saying through their verbal as well as non-verbal communication.

You’ll be amazed at what you’ll pick up when you’re present in the conversation, and you’ll be doubly-amazed at how easy the sale becomes when you’re offering your prospects what it is they truly want and need.

So the next of the 10 well-known body parts (not slang) that have just three letters is:

If you need more help growing your sales, consider the following resources:

Or just contact me and we’ll set a time to speak.

Good Selling,