15 Letter Word for Magician…and Making More Sales

Great magicians have many talents. 

They are entertainers, first and foremost.

They tell stories to build anticipation. (Most tricks could be done in five seconds or less, so you need to build up everyone’s hope.)

They are experts at sales. (They have to convince you that what you just saw was not a trick or an illusion but real magic.)

They are quite dextrous and coordinated with their hands and body.

This leads us to the 15-letter word for magic: “Prestidigitation.” (Now, if that’s not a Jeopardy word, I don’t know what is!)

Its origin is French from the mid-1800s and means “ready-fingeredness.” (Is “fingeredness” a word?)

(Listen to this episode of The Sales Podcast to use mind reading to close more sales.)

Ian Rowland mind reading The Sales Podcast 172

Related Podcasts:

How ready are your hands and mind to make the sale?

How ready are your fingers, mind, and attitude when it comes to marketing and making the sale?

The speaker, Josh Kaufman, author of The Personal MBA, explains that according to his research, the infamous “10,000 hours to learn anything” is, in fact, untrue.

He says it takes 10,000 hours to become an “expert in an ultra competitive field,” but to go from “knowing nothing to being pretty good” actually takes 20 hours.

So the trick you see—depending upon its complexity—has taken the magician around 20 hours to master, but it may have taken them five years or more.

This is why a good magician rarely does a trick twice and never shares how it’s done unless you pay.

Even my father-in-law won’t show how he does a trick to his grandchildren unless they pay for the trick.

Now let me ask you something…

How competitive is your industry? 

Is it “ultra competitive”?

I bet it is and becoming more so.

How much are you practicing your tradecraft of sales?

How many of the 10,000 hours have you practiced today? This week? This month? In the last year?

The great magicians never worked alone.

They have a “lovely assistant” or pull someone from the audience—either random or a plant—they have a partner, a business manager, a supportive spouse, a promoter, or all of the above.

If you want to be great at sales, why are you going it alone?

Have you bought into the Hollywood legend that you can sneak behind enemy lines all by yourself and take down all of the bad guys armed only with a knife and dental floss? 

Could you use a little help when it comes to selling?

If you need more help growing your sales, consider the following resources:

Or just contact me and we’ll set a time to speak.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.