21 Things Modern Sales Pros Need To Stop Doing

Fear no sales call.

  1. Fearing the phone

  2. Avoiding direct mail

  3. Fearing technology

  4. Relying too much on technology

  5. Subscribing to everything under the sun

  6. Not finishing programs you bought

  7. Not finishing books you bought

  8. Looking for the easy button

  9. Looking for the secret to success

  10. Hitting the snooze

  11. Partying like you’re in a fraternity

  12. Letting your health decline

  13. Thinking you are owned anything

  14. Relying on your company for leads

  15. Complaining

  16. Thinking anyone is better than you

  17. Doing so many mindless things (TV, video games, etc)

  18. Debating on social media

  19. Thinking small

  20. Avoiding the big stage

  21. Doing everything on your own