365 Ways To Double Your Sales – 12

Set Mutually Agreed Upon Agendas – 2

Moving on, Step 2 is comprised of two parts. Today we’ll look at the importance of setting the Ground Rules for your time together.

Put simply, I inform the prospect that I have two ground rules for all of my meetings. The first is that we are open and honest with one another.

It’s unfortunate to have to say this but our prospects have been conditioned by years of interacting, debating and butting heads with lazy, sleazy, cheesy and desperate salesmen that many actually feel that lying to salesmen is not only acceptable but necessary to get their needs served.

By stipulating up front that honesty is the name of the game it puts them on notice that you don’t play games. (This will also serve as “ammunition” to be used later should the prospect renege on his promise.)

You’ll be amazed at how much more relaxed both you and the prospect will be when you know you’re both in the presence of an honorable person that won’t play games. Professional sales people don’t want to make a sale to someone that doesn’t want or need what they offer. Once the prospect knows she’s dealing with a professional you can move on to the second part of Step 2, which we’ll address in the next post.

Honesty is the name of the game in the Make Every Sale program.