365 Ways To Double Your Sales – 13

The second step to setting mutually agreed upon agendas was setting ground rules in two parts. Part 1 was agreeing to open and honest dialogue.

Part B of Step 2 is agreeing to end the meeting at any time for any reason.

It may sound odd (most things I teach are odd because it flies in the face of conventional, “traditional,” “old school” sales training) but you want to tell the prospect, “It is OK for either of us to end the meeting at any time should an insurmountable obstacle or issue pop up.”

All of us have sat through sales presentations that felt more like endurance marathons and we NEVER want to sit through anything like that again. So when you tell them, in essence, “Hey, I’m not here to wear you out. I’m also not here to be your punching bag,” it really opens up the dialogue.

I have had “techies” visibly relax by unfolding their arms, dropping their shoulders and lean forward on the table when I’ve said this when I was in technology sales.

Try it the next time you meet with a prospect and see how it works.

This is what we cover in the Make Every Sale programin detail.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as: