365 Ways To Double Your Sales – 15

Set Mutually Agreed Upon Agendas

Get the money talk out in the open early.

Now that you’ve set the stage to both be open and honest and also that you are going to ask a lot of questions go ahead and talk about money.

It’s AMAZING how often sales people are so uncomfortable discussing money that they wait for the prospect to bring it up. What’s up with that?

If you’re nervous talking about money (and we have all been nervous discussing money) follow Zig Ziglar’s advice:

If you gotta eat a frog, there ain’t no use staring at it!”

Get it out of the way now. It’s better to find out you’re 50% too high or right in line with the prospect’s thinking right up front so you can then either get down to business or go find a prospect with money.

Do you know why salespeople are afraid to ask the money question up front? They’re afraid the prospect will say they don’t have the money and the salesperson will be forced to go prospecting for those that do have money. And we all know how much salespeople just loooooove to prospect, right!?

So face your inner sales demons. Get good at prospecting. Automate it with the proper email marketing system. And get good at talking about money. Do it early. Do it often. (Like Chicago voting.)

If you’d like help exorcising your sales demons join us in The Make Every Sale Program and let your competition attend meetings shaking in their boots or hoping their prospects have the money to buy what they’re selling.