365 Ways To Double Your Sales – 2

Want to double your sales? 

Choose who to lose.

Pick your niche because “There’s riches in niches.”

Cardiac surgeons make more money than family practitioners for a reason. And they don’t advertise! The local family doctor knows the best cardiac surgeon in town and sends his patients suffering from chest pains to that surgeon all day long.

If you’re known as a “pretty good guy…but a little scatter-brained at times” your business is in for a slow, painful death.

For the longest time I wanted to do all I could to help the small business owner. I created lower pricing models, extended payment terms, I’d let them stay past their allotted time until I realized I was being bled dry and worked to death because I cared more about the growth of my clients’ business than they did.

So I created group training for the cash-strapped business owners and sales people of the world and I raised my prices as much as 250% while cutting back the allowable consulting time by 25% for my private consulting and low and behold I could come up for air.

Today, right now, get crystal clear on who you can help, who you want to help and why. Then tell everyone else to either take a hike or tell them it’s not your specialty but you’ll help them as best you can for a higher price and let them decide.

Then the stress will be off of you and you can focus on what you love, you’ll do a better job at it, your clients will be better served, they’ll provide more testimonials and referrals and your business will grow with less stress and more fun, guaranteed.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,