365 Ways To Double Your Sales – 8

Master SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It means making sure your site is build on a solid foundation (optimized) for search engines to find you.

Think of a search engine as the librarian at your high school who has to label all of the new books with the old Dewey Decimal System and put them on the right shelves.

If she labels a book on sports as being a book on cooking that book will be lost forever.

Likewise, if you have a nice website or blog with great pictures of your products and each photo is labeled “img_1” or “photo-234” they will be lost forever.

To know how you should be labeling your site, which includes Titles, Descriptions, Tags, Headlines and even content checkout Google’s Keyword Tool.

It’s free to use and it gives you insight into what the marketplace types into Google’s search bar when they are looking for what you do and/or offer.

When I do a search for “email marketing” I see that there are 1,220,000 searches for that phrase. (I also did some research on Cost Per Click and found that it would cost me over $14 per click to advertise for that phrase and that’s rather expensive. I’ll discuss CPC later.)

I also see that “email marketing software” is searched “just” 135,000 times while “email marketing system” is searched just 4,400 times.

Since a big part of my business is supporting entrepreneurs on Infusionsoft and HubSpot’s email marketing system I decided to write a “lead magnet” entitled “40 Ways To Profit From Your Email Marketing System.”

I named it that for several reasons:

  • It contains the phrase “email marketing,” which is an expensive keyword on which to bid on Google

  • It contains the less-searched entire phrase “email marketing system,” which means I can start to get ranked for that “long-tail keyword phrase” easier (more on long tail keywords in another post)

  • It attracts the types of clients I want.

If you right click on this post and “View Source” you’ll see my title, description and keywords and you’ll see that they contain “seo,search engine optimization,email marketing software,infusionsoft crm,email marketing system.” That’s one of the reasons you found me.

If you would like with SEO on your own site or getting the most out of your email marketing system drop me a line.

Good Selling.