5,000…From Prison

From today’s reading…

They laid hands on Peter and John

and put them in custody…

But many of those who heard the word came to believe

and the number of men grew to about five thousand.”

The same Holy Spirit that inspires Peter and John in Acts today is available to you and me. You just need to be open to receiving it and and letting it guide you.

Because of their passion and desire to speak the truth, 5,000 men were brought to Jesus, which really means 4,000 to 5,000 families were brought to Jesus since society at the time downplayed the importance of women.

So 8,000 to 20,000 souls alive at that moment were brought to Jesus.

But what impact did their conversions have on their neighbors, on their future children, and their children as they entered adulthood?

As a direct result of Peter healing one person publicly, 100,000 or more people were brought to Jesus.

Maybe one million?

Maybe you are a Christian descendant of someone who was at Solomon’s Portico that day.

Maybe that someone was a “no one.” A simple worker. Not royalty or a politician or influential business owner. 

Just a good husband/wife/father/mother who lived an honest life, out of the limelight, being an example for their Dunbar number of family and friends who brought even more people to Jesus by the exemplary lives they led.

You will never know how many lives you are impacting—and souls you are saving—as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.