7 Marathons on 7 Continents In 7 Days, Meet Ted Jackson

How to look at yourself and like what you see

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How To Sell On Value Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days

  • A bit of a showoff

  • Wanted to be a rock star…or John Belushi

  • Lived like he was John Belushi

  • Didn’t know what he’d be famous for

  • Rehab here and there…jail cells here and there

  • Dad had a heart attack

  • Brother had a heart attack in his 30’s

  • Thought it was a good idea to get in shape

  • Signed up for the NYC Marathon in 2004 from a friend’s recommendation

I’m so grateful for hitting rock bottom.”

  • Didn’t train for the NYC Marathon…ran, walked, waddled, finished

  • “Went fallow a bit.”

  • Tsunami hit Thailand while he was in an RV in Las Vegas

  • His same friend invited him to ride the Tour de France course to raise money (two weeks before the actual race)

  • Bought a carbon fiber bike in L.A. due to a favorable exchange rate

  • 2,500 miles in 21 days

  • He did train for it

  • Crashed and broke his bike within 15 minutes of starting

  • Thought he wouldn’t make it

  • Did it as a “100 kilo slob.”

Be honest with yourself. Speak and listen to yourself. You’re worth it.”

  • Found the North Pole marathon

  • Raised £250,000 his first year of the Tour de France 

  • Hasn’t had a drink in 25 years

  • Wasn’t fulfilled

  • Didn’t impress himself

  • Didn’t have a why

  • This lead to drinking

  • Helps people by being vulnerable, and not “Billy Big Balls”

  • He was chasing things but never felt he was getting somewhere

  • Got a coach before he knew anything about coaching

  • Had looked down on coaching

  • Hadn’t really looked at himself

  • Couldn’t believe how quickly his coach had helped him

  • Dropped out of university to have his first child

  • Has four now

  • Grew up as he went

  • Found ways to hack life but thought he was undermining himself

  • Didn’t feel deserving

  • Raised money for his wife’s M.S. charity via the marathons

  • “I’m so grateful for hitting rock bottom.”

  • Mental rock bottom 15 years after rehab.

  • Felt empty and dead so he reached out twice

  • He never dealt with the undercurrent of issues

  • He essentially white-knuckled it

  • He had never really looked at himself

  • He would shut himself down

  • His negative self-talk was overwhelming

  • Now he listens to himself differently

  • Now he speaks to himself differently

  • Not a big traditional goal-setting guy

  • He still takes on big events that are exciting and adventurous and push him beyond his limits

  • He’s honest with himself

  • You hurt yourself the worst when you do what you shouldn’t

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