Absorb The Curses, Stones, and Dirt

From today’s reading…

David and his men continued on the road,

while Shimei kept abreast of them on the hillside,

all the while cursing and throwing stones and dirt as he went.” 2 Sam 16:13

The son of the mighty King David has turned against him so David retreats from Jerusalem and climbs the Mount of Olives. (Who else would do that 1,000 years later?)

As he flees, barefoot with his head down covered in a hood and crying, he has insult added to his injury. Shimei, a “regular dude,” comes up and taunts him, curses him, and throws stuff at him. (Who else would climb a hill barefoot, with His head down, probably too dehydrated and exhausted to shed a tear, while being ridiculed?)

Rather than get angry and allow his other son to kill Shimei, David takes his lumps like a man…

Perhaps the LORD will look upon my affliction

and make it up to me with benefits

for the curses he is uttering this day.”

(Who else would absorb the ridicule of the world without getting angry or fighting back, and would even find the courage and strength to comfort those who stood by Him to the end?)

David knows that pain and death entered the world through sin and that we must accept the burdens that come our way because of our sins, even after we repent because you can’t unring a bell and he literally has to sleep in the bed he made.

God humbles the mighty and lifts up the lowly. Follow the example of the king in today’s reading who actually provides an example for the King of Kings on how to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.