Accept Guidelines To Be Free

From today’s reading…

Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is,

there is freedom.”

Many who read this line from 2 Corinthians 3 reply with

“But Wes, how can I be free with all the rules and restrictions and ‘THOU SHALL NOTS’ thrown at me from your imaginary friend in the sky? That’s not freedom. I get to sleep in on Sundays—while sleeping with anyone I want! Now THAT’S freedom! Prove me wrong.”

Is the person who is free to eat 5,000 calories per day really free two years later when they are 150 pounds over weight?

Is the person who is free to sleep in every day really free when they are fired from their job because they can’t show up on time?

Is the person who is free to put diesel in his Honda Civic really free when his car breaks down on the side of the road?

Is the person who is free to sleep with every woman in town really free when he wakes up at 50 alone?

There are little freedoms and big freedoms and the ultimate freedom.

If it’s ultimate freedom that you want—and you do, whether you admit it or not—then welcome the guidance and the guidelines of the Spirit, whose only goal is to help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.