Accept Your Anointing and Your Anointed

From today’s reading…

The LORD said to Elijah:

‘You shall anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah,

as prophet to succeed you.’”

About 350 years B.C., Aristotle put forth the postulate, “horror vacui,” or plenism, more commonly written for us American English speakers as “nature abhors a vacuum.”

About 500 years before Aristotle, we see that the Creator of nature itself abhors a vacuum as well.

The Lord knows we are sheep, and as sheep we tend to lack enough sense to come in out of the rain. We wander off and get into all kinds of trouble without a good, wise, strong shepherd to guide us and help save us from ourselves.

About 10 years before Elijah was taken up into Heaven he began mentoring Elisha, who committed fully to his calling as seen by the slaughtering of his massive team of work animals and the burning of his equipment. (Maybe this is where Hernán Cortés got the idea in 1519 as he landed in Veracruz and fully committed to conquering the Aztecs and securing Mexico for Spain.)

In essence, Elijah threw himself a Birthday/Baptismal/Confirmation/Bar Mitzvah as he “burned the ships” of  his livelihood and made retreat to his old way of life impossible.

God abhors a vacuum, which means He is always calling us to both follow and to lead.

Since He is always calling us we must always listen and move towards His voice, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.