Accept Your Power, My Child

From today’s reading…

The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us.

To those who accepted him

he gave power to become the children of God.”

To become flesh meant to be born as a helpless infant.

You might ask, “Why would the Creator of the universe subject Himself to such a fragile condition?”

To demonstrate what it means to be strong.

“Ahhh, Wes…you feeling okay? How does a helpless baby demonstrate strength?”

Of course, a baby is not physically strong, but you see how they personify the living force that runs through all of us from God.

Everything a baby does is meant to bring attention to themselves so someone can care for them and meet their needs to ensure their survival. They know when to rest, when to eat, when to crawl, when to walk, when to ask for help. They observe everything around them and do not take no for an answer.

Take a baby into a silent, broody waiting room at the DMV and watch the demeanor and energy of the entire space brighten and lighten. (Conversely, have a baby scream in the middle of a quiet movie and watch the opposite happen!)

That little baby is strong!!

Also, in being responsible for a totally helpless child, we discover how strong we can be in rising up to do whatever it takes to provide for this young, vulnerable, helpless soul entrusted to our care and protection.

We also run up against our own weaknesses and limitations as caring for that strong-willed baby pushes us to our limits, and beyond. If we are honest with ourselves, it’s at that moment we realize how truly weak and vulnerable we are, which then forces us to make a vital decision:

  • Hunker down and live in fear in a weak and futile attempt to hide our weaknesses and vulnerabilities in order to stay safe, or

  • Rise up despite your limitations and inspire and lead others to work together to overcome their weaknesses together so as to keep one another safe through community, progress, and decisive action.

A couple of days ago we read about becoming heirs after being slaves. Today we read about us needing power to become God’s children. But if we are the children of the King of Kings, why do we need power? Don’t we have all the power we need?

If you’ve watched the series “The Crown” on Netflix you saw that it takes a great deal of strength and power to be the child of a monarch.

All eyes are upon you. Your enemies will set traps for you. Many will be envious of you. They will amplify and broadcast any misstep

So accept God and the power He will give you because we are not called to a carefree life of villas and servants. We are called to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.