According To Pete, To Vote Is Neat

From today’s reading…

Then they prayed,

‘You, Lord, who know the hearts of all,

show which one of these two you have chosen

to take the place in this apostolic ministry

from which Judas turned away to go to his own place.’”

Going back to the first chapter of Acts we see Peter standing “up in the midst of the brothers and sisters” and inspiring them by reminding them of what was written in the Book of Psalms “may another take his office.”

Simon is the leader of the Apostles, therefore he is the leader of the Church after the Ascension of Jesus.

He was chosen by Jesus to tend and feed His sheep and loose and bind our sins in his new role as Peter, a.k.a., the rock.

As all good leaders do, Peter instructs and inspires his people to do the right thing and he gives them a voice, a voice that has power.

Guided by the Holy Spirit they make the right choice in choosing Matthias to replace Judas, which makes the 12 whole again, and having solid leadership that acts in accordance with the Holy Spirit is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.