Act Right and You’re Welcome To Stay

From today’s reading…

Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: Amend your behaviour and your actions and I will let you stay in this place.” Jeremiah 7:3

From 2016-2020, my second son did the prudent thing, lived at home, and commuted to college.

This enabled him to graduate on time and with no student loans or debt. In fact, he had money in the bank.

A few months after he graduated, I told him that he was welcome to continue living at home, but it would cost him $500/mo. He decided to move out.

He has stayed close, and we see him almost daily, but rules are rules.

I have rules for how you’ll live under my roof, and so does God for His house, which is the Church.

God wants you in the family, but He requires you to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.