Ahaz Oh No To Aha

From today’s reading…

“The LORD spoke to Ahaz: ‘Ask for a sign from the LORD, your God; let it be deep as the nether world, or high as the sky!’ But Ahaz answered, ‘I will not ask! I will not tempt the LORD!’”

You and I don’t make deals with God, like 

God, if you let out of this speeding ticket I promise to not skip church services for at least three weeks in a row.” 

But when God says “have another scoop of ice cream” or “tell me what song to play on my saxophone” or “Ask for a sign,” YOU DO IT!

To ignore His request is not polite. It is foolish. It is wrong. It will take you down the wrong path.

Today we have a lot of people going down the wrong path.

Today we have parents bringing their drag queen 11 year old son to strip clubs and national TV shows to “celebrate” his “trailblazing” journey.

Today we have same sex and transgender and satanic residents of Colorado repeatedly trying to force a Christian baker to bake cakes with messages that go against his religious beliefs despite the first attempt being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Today we can’t sing a 74-year old Academy Award winning song about a man courting a woman but we can sing rap songs that denigrate women and promote violence, drugs, prostitution, and rape.

Today there are a lot of people ignoring the signs, hints, suggestions, and recommendations of the Lord, which is no way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.