Airy-Fairy Coaches Are Killing Your Sales

I got a referral yesterday via email that read:

Here’s where I’m at.

I’ve spent a shit ton of money with these airy-fairy coaches that have promised me that they can help me grow my business.

At the end of the day, it’s the basic stuff I already know. And while I’m ahead of my clients, in terms of their entrepreneurial journey, but I need help from someone who is ahead of me.

I’m stuck with figuring out what I should be sharing, how to automate more sales. Wondering if my niche is really where it’s at. Or if I’m not selling it right (which I’m pretty sure I’m not).

Simply because I don’t want to troll FB groups for business. I’m all about bringing the peeps to me.

I’m grossing 10K a month, but that’s not what I want. Nor do I want to spend endless hours on my business where I can’t be with my family which is what my last “coach” said was necessary.

I want to make more. I work hard and fast. Except for this past month where I’ve been uninspired because my audience doesn’t take action which leaves me uninspired.

Lemme know, bro.

We’re talking on Monday and I know I can help her because our mutual friend understands me and only refers cool, qualified people to me.

I can tell she’s cool because of her verbiage and because of her desire to succeed.

I know I can help her because she has desire.

When you sort, sift, and separate those you can help from those you cannot, sales become easy.

That’s the secret behind my motto that there are two types of sales: the easy ones, and those you don’t get.

While growing any business takes effort, not all effort is equally effective.

Most expend all of their energy on the close, which can produce short term results.

The smart entrepreneurs spend most of their energy on the opening. When you open relationships instead of close sales…you create inbound sales, which creates long term results. 

Are you looking for short term or long term sales results?

Have a good weekend and enjoy the PGA Championship.

Good Selling,