Ambition Is Great…But Not All Ambition

From today’s reading…

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist,

there is disorder and every foul practice.” James 3:16

A vicious cycle is upon us now.

We are jealous of the fake, the phony, the unachievable, and it’s stealing our joy and even our souls.

Selfishly ambitious people endure hours of preparation and invest thousands—even tens of thousands—of dollars and employ a small army of assistants to make you believe they are taller, tanner, thinner, stronger, bustier, richer, smarter, more influential/powerful…and happier and more fulfilled than they really are.

Because we don’t think like these shallow manipulators—but we are shallow in our own insecure ways—we fall for the lie. We buy into the empty promises. We give them our time, our attention, and then our money, only to be let down time and time again.

Then we are ashamed that we were that shallow, that ignorant, that foolish. We are embarrassed that we got duped.

This, in turn, makes us more vulnerable to be swindled by the next perfect-teeth-hair-eyelashes-skin-clothes-car-home-speaking goo-roo.

Enough’s enough.

You need to stop the cycle.

You need to be like Jesus and love yourself as you are while striving to be more like Him.

You are perfectly imperfect and in accepting your weaknesses, your flaws, your frailties, you are made powerful because it is at that point you hand yourself over to the guiding, gentle hand of God, who always gives you only what you need to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.