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Anthony Parinello Shows You How To Reach The C-Suite To Sell More

About Today’s Guest on The Sales Podcast

Tony Parinello created his own brand of sales training called Selling to VITO, the Very Important Top Officer, the Very Important Top Officer, in 1995.

Today, Tony is trusted by the majority of Fortune 1,000 and over 2.5 million sales people in more than 30 countries to help them create bigger deals in less time.

Tony is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author and created Selling Across America, the first and only radio and Internet talk show dedicated to salespeople and the art of selling. He has been the marketing and sales expert on Entrepreneur.com, a website that is visited by more than 6 million unique visitors each and every month.

Tony wrote nine powerful, practical, and tactical books on the topic of selling:

Anthony Parinello and The Sales Whisperer® in SoCal around 2010

Sales Success Secrets

  • Snag the “intentional area” of the executive’s brain to get them to say yes.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip

  • Person-to-person contact is where it has always been and always will be.

  • Be real and responsive and authentic.

  • We have to give to get. That’s why so many things are free online today.

  • If you have an idea and can articulate it, you can reach anyone today.

  • Send a handwritten fax and a handwritten letter.

  • Send a letter then an hour before the call fax them the exact letter then call.

  • We need to listen actively.

  • Respond to the words and emotions.

  • They’ll listen to you once they trust you.

  • Never leave the same voicemail twice.

  • Cold calling still works. It’s amazing to call into the C-Level. About 25% of the time, VITO picks up the phone. Either way, one of three things will happen:

    • VITO answers

    • His assistant answers

    • Voicemail

  • Avoid the “F” word—facts, features, or figures. “Yap Yap.” They’ll toast you or shunt you to the person you sound like.

  • It’s all about revenues, efficiencies & effectiveness, containing costs, be more compliant.

  • You want the response of “tell me more.”

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