Approach and Be Saved

From today’s reading…

Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him,

since he lives forever to make intercession for them.”

There are so many progressive, visionary, spiritual-but-not-religious, transparent, open, and honest people today who are willing to air their dirty laundry on a Facebook Live video or an email blast or on stage to thousands…but they’re afraid to approach a priest, in private, one-on-one and lay their souls bare.

There are so many pastors, ministers, bishops, reverends, guides, mediums, and channelers who ridicule 2,000 years of history, Tradition, and leadership but they want you to hang on their every word. (Their private jets won’t fuel themselves, you know?)

The Creator of the universe is interesting and incomprehensible.

We know He sent His only Son to walk among us as one of us. The historicity of Jesus is indisputable.

And based on what Jesus said He was either a liar, a lunatic, or He is the Lord.

If we go with the last of the three then we believe that Jesus is fully Lord and was/is (He invented time so he was, is, and shall be simultaneously) fully human, then He knows we need His help to reach the ultimate goal: spending eternity with the Divine Trinity.

And since Jesus knew we’d need help, He provided access to Himself in the form of our daily bread, which is given around the world in the daily Mass, celebrated by the priests who have been ordained in unbroken succession from Himself through Peter.

So find Jesus and find God. 

When you find Him daily you’ve found the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.