Approach God’s Presence

From today’s reading…

Moses then said to Aaron, ‘Say to the whole community of Israelites, “Approach Yahweh’s presence, for he has heard your complaints.”’”

Exodus 16:9

Moses has some good news for Aaron and the Israelites today. God knows the troubles they are having, and despite the problems being small in comparison to being slaves for 430 hundred years, God knows His people are hungry, which is making them fearful and agitated.

Sidebar: Isn’t it amazing how easily we’ll trade our freedom for a little bit of security?

  • “Yes, oh loving government, I’ll shut down my business for ‘two weeks to flatten the curve.’”

  • “Yes, oh loving government, I’ll wear a face diaper for 18 months and longer, despite the Surgeon General saying they are ineffective.”

  • “Yes, oh loving government, I’ll stop exercising and working to slow the spread of this virus with a 99.7% survival rate.”

  • “Yes, oh loving government, I’ll take an experimental drug if you give my free donuts.”

  • “Yes, oh loving government, I’ll report my neighbors who do not comply, so you can ticket and arrest them.”

  • “Yes, oh loving government, I’ll report people who say things online that are not in alignment with your benevolent dictates.”

But I digress.

Today, God feeds the Israelites the same day He hears their complaints, and after making His glory known by appearing in a cloud (v10) and speaking to Moses (v11).

But nobody likes a  whiner and a complainer.

Know that God wants you to be free.

Know that the journey you are on is for your own good.

Know that approaching God’s presence with a humble and contrite heart is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.