Are A Billion Facebook Friends Good?

On August 27, 2015, Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook had a billion people use Facebook in a single day

That’s 1,000,000,000.

Are you better off because of Facebook friends?

I often wonder if it’s a coincidence that the name of the founder rhymes with “sucker.”

  • Their IPO sucked a lot of money out of people.

  • The silly games on the site suck the time away from a lot of people.

  • Facebook Fan Pages and Ads have sucked more time and money out of the pockets of millions of users.

  • Kids have been bullied.

  • Spouses have rekindled old flames.

  • Kids have avoided homework.

  • Workers have avoided work.

Yet Facebook continues to grow.


Because we are social creatures.

  • We love a good party.

  • We’d like to be the center of the party.

  • We hate eating alone.

We want to be heard.

  • A mom wants to give feedback on her favorite doctor.

  • A dad wants to give feedback on his last rental car experience. (And get a $25 credit. Thank you, Hertz.)

  • A growing teen wants to express his musings.

We want to be “in the know.”

  • What’s our sports team doing?

  • What are the celebrities wearing on the red carpet?

  • What are the pundits saying about the election.

We want to see what others are doing. (Admit it. You have a little voyeur in you.)

We want to connect. We want to escape.

Facebook—and all of social media—shows the innate urge of humans to connect.

What are you doing to get closer to the human race, who, by the way, happen to be your prospects and clients?

Your growth is directly tied to your ability to connect.

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Good Selling,