Are You Known As Good Or Rotten Fruit?

From today’s reading…

By their fruits you will know them.”

In business the first thing we do is Google the person and the company that is contacting us. (We do this in social settings, too.)

What fruit are you producing?

Google yourself and see what comes up:

  • Your Facebook game results

  • Your political rants

  • Your flaming one star Yelp review of the fast food restaurant who forgot pickles on your burger

  • Your 6,487 selfies…in June

  • Your cursing out a fellow believer online because…they like a different sports team than you…or they think dark roast is better than medium roast…or they prefer Ford over Chevy…or they like PCs over Macs…or, you know, other really important things like that.

Your input controls your output, i.e. your fruit.

Your output is the input of others.

Based on your digital fruit, how are you now known?

Every post you make is a sale.

You’re trying to sell the reader on giving you their time and attention.

What are you giving them in return?

Are you making them “pick grapes from thornbushes”?

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Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.