As though I put a gun to your head

If I put a gun to your head and I asked you what you do and why I should buy from you, what do you think you would say?

I’m willing to betyou’d skip the soundbites, the esoteric woo-woo nonsense, and the corporate-speak and cut to the chase.

I bet that that you’d have a sense of clarity—maybe not calm—and focus.

I bet you’d be precise on what you offer, how it benefits me, and why I should buy from you now.

I bet you’d state this with passion, conviction and clarity.

You’d have that clarity because you’d put away all distractions.

For the first time in a long time you’d get real with yourself and your business.

For the first ime in a long time you’d have a sense of relief and even optimism because you’d now know what to do to grow your sales.

The key to growing your business in any economy is to produce gun-to-head marketing messaging like this regularly without forcing someone like me to show up at your office each day and point a gun at your head. (I’m a lover and a writer, not a fighter.)

Don’t get caught up in the alphabet soup of marketing such as PPC, SEM, SEO, API, CPM, CTR, KPI, CPA, ROS, TAP, GRP, TRP or CPP.

Don’t get caught up in the vanity metrics of how many people like your Instagram post.

Just deliver a clear, powerful message in a powerful manner and do it consistently.

If this is easier said than done, consider the following resources:

Or just contact me and we’ll set a time to speak.

Good Selling,