As You Believe

From today’s reading…

…as you have believed, let it be done for you.”

This is what Jesus says to the centurion who asked that his own servant should be healed.

When Jesus offered to come to his house the centurion showed his own humility by replying…

I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof.”

I wonder how many selfies the centurion would be taking if he was alive today.

I wonder how many pictures of him with a Lamborghini he’d take and share.

Every week, if not every day, for the past 20 years I’ve had a salesperson or business owner tell me…

  • I’m different

  • We’re better

  • We’re not like the others

They tell me…

  • We’re not sheep

  • We’re innovators

  • We don’t run with the crowd

  • We zig when others zag


I couldn’t tell by my newsfeed.

In an increasingly noisy world, the way to make a difference, to stand out, to get people to listen to your message just might be to whisper.

A Roman centurion in Capernaum in 30 A.D. was a powerful man with 100 men under him.

He could order the arrest of anyone and could probably even take the life of anyone on the street that even looked at him sideways.

But he was modest, humble, quiet.

But he had a quiet confidence.

He spoke up and asked for what he wanted and what he wanted was what he believed could happen.

Has your dwindling belief caused you to stop asking for what you want or have you stopped asking for what you want, therefore your belief has faltered because you don’t have what you failed to ask for?

In my training I remind my attendees that your actions create your emotions and feelings.

Want to feel more successful? Do what successful people do until you master it and become a success.

That applies to having a successful marriage, winning a body building competition, earning your black belt, paying off your mortgage, growing your business.

Look around. Your beliefs have created your reality. And the beliefs of your prospects have created theirs.

To make the sale you must work on the beliefs of your prospects…but first you must control your own.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.