Ask The Favor So It Will Be Granted

From today’s reading…

I will also grant you the favor you now ask.”

What are you seeking?

What are you asking for?

Are you asking for mere subsistence vs. success?

Are you asking for mediocrity and struggle?

Are you asking for toil and strife and hard labor?

Tabitha was a “spineless work at home mom” who, after one consultation sent me this:

“Thank you! OH! I almost forgot…I (raised my) prices (423%) and it is the best selling product.”

Alycia raised prices on her membership program 231% and did a membership launch that resulted in 54% growth in membership during the first 72 hours.

“Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”

Sure, you’re afraid you’ll ask and your prospect will say “no!”

But as Zig Ziglar always said, failure is an event, not a person.

They are not saying no to you, they are saying no to your offer.

Are you offended when you ask someone at a party “Would you like some chips and dip?” and they say no?

Get over yourself. Get out of your head and ask for what you want.

You want to know why I think you’re really afraid to ask?

I think you’re afraid you’ll actually get what you want and you don’t think you’re ready for success.

You think you don’t know how to grow and scale. How to become more of yourself…your true self.

You’re afraid of people looking up to you. Coming to you for advice. Putting you on a pedestal.

Listen up…

God doesn’t call the prepared…he prepares the called.

Someone will be put on a pedestal and if good people don’t climb out of their shells and into the light then it’ll be some shady dirtbag who manipulates your clients into giving him/her their money.

Have faith that you’ll get what you ask for.

Now you just need to get clear on what, exactly, you want.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.