Ask Wes – From Leo

Ask Wes 2: Business Coaching & Infusionsoft Help

Leo asks,

I’m developing a web based company that serves as a liaison between our paying members, each having an individual storefront on our site and to which we offer specific services, and the browsing world at large. As they are a group offering unique but similar services, we will help each reach a wider pool of targeted customers than they can as individuals. In addition to the array of member services we already offer, how can we, as a business of our own, use Infusionsoft to manage the marketing cycle for each member that arises through the use or our site? Can we essentially run the entire marketing PLC on behalf of each member, as well as for our business as a whole, on one platform? Thanks a mil Wes!


Thanks for the question. (By “PLC” I assume you mean Product Life-Cycle Management.)

You can manage marketing for different clients to different prospects for different products by utilizing the Merge Fields in Infusionsoft, particularly the Campaign Merge Fields.

There is also a “Links” field in the Campaign Builder that allows you to quickly update links embed in any and all emails in a Follow Up Sequence.

But by using the Campaign Merge Fields you can insert the name of your client into the email so the prospect receives email that is customized and appear to come from your client, their potential vendor.

Depending on the number of clients you could create a separate Campaign for each new client but that is only manageable if you have a finite number of clients.

Any more than maybe a couple dozen and you could have a mess on your hands.

If you wouldn’t mind elaborating on what you’re trying to achieve I’d be happy to dig into this a little deeper.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.