Avoid death by powerpoint

Death by Powerpoint is the #1 cause of preventable sales deaths in the world today.

Decision Makers Don’t Care

“Decision-makers” have no need or desire to view Powerpoint presentations.

These are big-picture people that are task and goal-oriented.

They are easily bored by technical discussions and presentations that focus on “speeds and feeds” and “bells and whistles.” (They have people for that.)

Now that’s not to say you should not have a presentation.

The right presentation—covered in the Make Every Sale program—tells a story. 

Facts tell. Stories sell.

How good are you at telling stories in your presentations and meetings with decision makers?

I always push for a more personal, intimate meeting with the C-Level team first and let them direct me to their “investigators” and “gatherers,” a.k.a “The SeeMores.”

When I am “sent down from on high” the “SeeMores” are more open with providing information, rather than me educating them for free. (Reaching the C-Suite is the topic for another post…and a full-day workshop!)

Regardless of the title of the person with whom I am meeting I seek to connect with them primarily through asking questions and pushing buttons, not by wowing them with facts and figures, brochures or presentations.

There are 11 psychological triggers I seek to pull to build rapport and get my point across.

  1. Self-Interest

  2. Curiosity

  3. Why

  4. Stories (3 interesting subsets)

  5. Truth

  6. Controversy

  7. Making life easier

  8. Humor

  9. Specificity

  10. Scarcity

  11. Overcoming Objections

If you need more help growing your sales, consider the following resources:

Or just contact me and we’ll set a time to speak.

Good Selling,