Barbara Metzger: Read People Like a Book

TECHNICAL NOTE (2): For the first time ever I conducted two interviews on the same day, back to back. So the same microphone issue I had with Kelly Perdew in Session 13 is in play on this interview with Barbara. The good news is Barbara’s sound came through just fine but I have this weird, deep, sluggish sound again. I assure you I was not drinking too much cough syrup even once, let alone on back to back interviews!! If you listen at 1.5x or 2x (as I do for most podcasts) you won’t notice anything. But in a way, it’s kind of funny…as long as it’s not your microphone messing up!! Here are the notes from the call:

Barbara Metzger has 23 years of experience working with personality assessments.

Assess yourself first so you can understand yourself and understand how others see you.

Statistically those that are driven to make better use of their time, energy and money are the top producers.

Related Episodes:

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

It’s not an oxymoron. It’s our emotional maturity. How we interact with people. It’s a more accurate and important indicator when determining interpersonal and leadership success.

Know who you are. Recognize your own emotions and how your control them to deal with life.

DISC’s modern version came about in 1928 so any of the 4-type descriptions you hear – colors, animals – are based on DISC.

When things don’t quite feel right after an interaction with another person it is probably because the other person was masking their true self with different mannerisms, etc.

High Traditional / High Regulatory – those that love systems and a place for everything – those people are willing to die for their belief systems.

Some rough rules of thumb on attire:

  • If they are dressed in a loud manner, they’ll buy from you because they like you.

  • If they are wearing a conservative suit, they’ll buy from you based on the facts.

  • If they are wearing a 30 year old suit, help them understand.

Millennials, in a lot of ways, appear to be breaking old paradigms but they are just more attuned to the EQ. This age group is much more aware of what is good for the whole.

It’s easy to pick up these clues on the phone.

Curt, direct types are High D’s.

Friendly types / talkers / team-players want a personal conversation before business.

A slow, steady answerer is an engineer type.

Without assessments you’ll hire people like yourself.

This can be bad if the sales manager is hiring the accounting manager.

In the U.S. today, 30% of employees are actively disengaged. They are sabotaging your business. Another 1/3rd are just disengaged.

People quit because they don’t feel appreciated, not for money.

Learn more about Barbara Metzger and her assessment services at her website,

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Now go sell something.