Be a Powerful Witness Always

From today’s reading…

With great power the Apostles bore witness

to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,

and great favor was accorded them all.”

Speak the truth and good things happen, including being attacked.

“Ahh, Wes, are you feeling alright? Why is being attacked a good thing?”

If someone—or a group of someones—is taking the time and energy to attack you, it can only mean one of two things:

  1. You’re a lying, cheating, aggressive, idiotic despot attempting to usurp power and must be stopped.

  2. You’re telling the truth and those who fall into the category above are threatened by your honesty.

There will always be a battle between good and evil. If you are not under attack then you are not doing enough to counter evil.

If you are not under attack it means you are on the sidelines. You are distracted. You are pre-occupied with matters pertaining to your personal safety, comfort, and pleasure.

Remember, the Apostles found “great favor” for a few years to even a few decades, but most of them died painful deaths after years of imprisonment.

Continue to speak out as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.