Be Calm. Do Not Fear. You Shall Not Die

From today’s reading…

…the angel of the LORD appeared to him and said,

‘The LORD is with you, O champion!’

Gideon said to him, ‘My Lord, if the LORD is with us,

why has all this happened to us?’”

Gideon was a “nobody.” A frustrated nobody. He was a follower of the Lord’s commandments but he and his people were suffering under constant attacks from various nomadic tribes.

Despite being a lowly nobody, God picked Gideon to lead the once-again fallen-away Israelites against their enemy to show His power and His love for His people.

This concerned Gideon because he did not think much of himself.

But God does not call the prepared. He prepares the called. (Although, one could argue quite successfully that preparing your soul and living as God calls us to live makes us prepared…but I digress.)

The LORD answered him,

‘Be calm, do not fear. You shall not die.'”

Wherever you are in life you are being prepared for your calling, which is why you must…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.