Be Generous, Not Envious

From today’s reading…

Are you envious because I am generous?”

If we have enough, why do we care if someone receives more?

If we got what we paid for, why do we care if someone got a little extra?

Give generously and be thankful for all that you have.

Give until it hurts…and you’ll be amazed at your threshold for pain.

Instead of focusing on how much the “Joneses” appear to have, seek to help those who have less and you’ll always find yourself with enough.

When someone receives more, congratulate them and even emulate them if they are doing something right to achieve any form of success, but do not envy them.

Things are rarely as good or bad as they appear to be, which is why many lottery winners end up in bankruptcy and many bankrupt entrepreneurs, immigrants, and persons facing physical challenges end up successful in their chosen endeavors.

If you’re coasting you’re on the wrong path. If you’re only seeing obstacles, you’ve taken your eye off the prize.

As we used to sing in basic training:

“Ain’t no sense in looking down.“Ain’t no paycheck on the ground.”

Hold your head high and celebrate the success of others as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.