Be Just In Administering Justice

From today’s reading…

‘You will not be unjust in administering justice. You will neither be partial to the poor nor overawed by the great, but will administer justice to your fellow-citizen justly.’” Leviticus 19:15

There’s a whole-lotta favoritism going on these days.

  • “Oh, he doesn’t have a father at home. Give him a break.”

  • “Oh, his daddy’s that famous millionaire. Cut him some slack.”

  • “Oh, she was on that reality show. She’s really a good person deep down.”

  • “Sure, he was drunk while driving. But he can dunk a basketball, so let’s let this one slide.”

Today, the last thing most people need is leniency or understanding or an excuse to shout their victimhood from the rooftops.


We’ve tried that for the last couple of generations, which is how we ended up here.

“Where is ‘here?’, you ask?

The U.S.A. is

  • 125th in literacy, 9th in reading, 31st in math, 24th in science

  • 64th in life expectancy and 33rd in infant mortality

  • 5th in median household income, 3rd in labor force, and 2nd in exports. 

However, we do lead the world in:

  • Incarcerated citizens per capita at 698 per 100,000 residents

  • Obesity, with 36.2% of our population, and 

  • Defense spending, at $778 billion, or 10+% of all federal spending, with nearly 50% of it being discretionary. (This is more than the next ten nations combined spend.)

“YAY TEAM U.S.A! (Right? Ahhh…hello? Right?)”

Forty to fifty years of participation trophies, critical race theory, war on drugs, Vatican II, no-fault divorce, radical feminism, gay rights (demands), and political nepotism morphing into an oligarchy have brought us to where we are today.

More numbers for you to chew on:

  • 40.5% of all births are to unmarried women

  • More adults between the ages of 18 to 44 (59% vs. 50%) have cohabitated vs. been married

  • 18.4 million children, 1 in 4, live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home

  • U.S. church membership has dropped 20 points since 1999.

  • U.S. church membership is below 50% for the first time in Gallup’s 80-years of data.

So whatever we’re doing as a nation, it ain’t working. (Unless the work you want to be done is the unraveling and dismantling of our country, which is the stated goal of many organizations and groups within our borders, but I digress.)

We are no longer a just nation because we are no longer a just people.

We are more involved with and loyal to our sports teams, political parties, and celebrity fan clubs than our churches and families.

We must raise our level of expectations of everyone around us, including our politicians, law enforcement, judges, teachers, spiritual leaders, news organizations, social media companies, activists, influencers, our children, our families, and ourselves.

We must stop accepting excuses and start demanding action, accountability, and justice, or we will never…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.