Be Like Matthew and Give It All Up

From today’s reading…

As Jesus was walking on from there he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him.” Matthew 9:9

You know when you’re not living right.

When you’re not doing right by others.

When you’re either not living up to your potential, or you’re using the gifts God gave you to do crappy things.

When the moment is right, and a new door is opened to you, run—don’t walk—through it because you never know how long it will remain open.

In other words, stop judging Matthew for being a no-good, low-down, dirty, rotten, greedy tax collector, and see him as the saint that He became. (Actually, that saintly potential was always within him. He just needed to find Jesus for it to emerge, blossom, and produce.)

Look at Matthew as one of the 12 hand-selected by Jesus to spread the Good News.

Someone who walked away from the comfort of the material world he had created to follow Jesus, regardless of the cost, which, by the way, included his life*.

You’ve heard the call of Jesus. Please tell me you have answered His call and walked through the door He has opened for you, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.

 *According to tradition, Matthew was killed on the orders of the king of Ethiopia while celebrating Mass at the altar. The king lusted after his own niece, and had been rebuked by Matthew, for the girl was a nun, and therefore the bride of Christ. (Wikipedia)