Be Merciful To Me, A Sinner

From today’s reading…

The tax collector stood some distance away, not daring even to raise his eyes to heaven; but he beat his breast and said, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner.’” Luke 18: 13

Seven months into a media-hyped, government-fueled global pandemic, the governor of NY published a book patting himself on the back for his handling of said pandemic.

It usually takes 18-36 months to get a book published, but this guy was simultaneously killing 15,000 of his elderly citizens, crushing his state’s economy, and congratulating himself with a rushed-to-market book just seven months after he broke loose all hell.

Oh yeah, he was also making inappropriate remarks to, and contact with, many women, which seems to go back several years since seven of them have come forward now with complaints. Many others are calling for an investigation and/or his removal from office.

If his beliefs aligned with his pontifications—which is rare in politics—Cuomo would fall on his sword, which he forged, sharpened, and unsheathed in 2015 when he forcefully advocated for New York’s “Enough Is Enough Act,” and bragged that it was “the most aggressive policy in the nation” to fight sexual assault and misconduct on college campuses.

Meanwhile, his lowly minions just tried to cope with “anti-social” distancing, wearing masks even at home, wiping down their groceries, washing their hands 18 times a day, isolating from their parents, locking up their children at home, and waiting for more orders from the self-appointed high-and-mighty—in between book-launches and skirt-chasings.

How do you think this will work out for Cuomo and his ilk? Well, Jesus gives us some insight in the next verse in Luke, “‘This man, I tell you, went home again justified; the other did not. For everyone who raises himself up will be humbled, but anyone who humbles himself will be raised up.’” (v14)

Stop patting yourself on the back and get work on yourself, and helping those in need, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.