Be On Your Guard Against Idols

From today’s reading…

Children, be on your guard against idols.”

Actress Michelle Williams stood on stage last weekend at the Golden Globes while holding a golden idol and celebrated the manner in which she sacrificed her unborn child so she could achieve that moment on stage.

She was literally holding and worshipping a golden idol and the audience applauded.

And this was broadcast across the globe.

And people are still celebrating her “bravery” and “courage” and her “progressive voice.”

She. Murdered. Her. Unborn. Child.

How interesting that just just a few verses earlier in today’s reading from 1 John 5, he writes,

There is such a thing as deadly sin,

about which I do not say that you should pray.

Michelle Williams not only committed a deadly sin in killing her child, she’s committing another by celebrating it and encouraging other women to do the same.

And everyone in that room who applauded her and supports that message is committing a deadly sin as well.

Pray for their conversion.

Pray that they do not influence others to follow in her footsteps.

Pray for her murdered child and the millions of other dead babies whose mothers were either too ignorant, selfish, or abused to protect and nurture them in the womb.

Caring for the most fragile and helpless in the world is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.