Be Penitent and Return To Him

From today’s reading…

To the penitent God provides a way back,

he encourages those who are losing hope

and has chosen for them the lot of truth.

…How great the mercy of the LORD,

his forgiveness of those who return to him!”

It’s never too late to be sorry and ask forgiveness for the mistakes you’ve made, the people you’ve hurt, the damage you have done.

But you must be truly sorry.

We see on the news contrite politicians, celebrities, athletes, and powerful executives who express remorse and regret for being caught and they want us to accept that as a real apology.

The problem is their fans and supporters do, which gives them license to return to their sinful ways.

Don’t be like those hypocrites.

Turn away from temptations of the flesh and of the world. 

Allow the good in you to come forth, which can only be done by admitting your wrongdoing and returning to the Lord, who will always help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.