Better Protected Than the President

From today’s reading…

Know that I am with you;

I will protect you wherever you go,…”

How ’bout dem apples, huh?

Jacob, who had snookered his father, Isaac, received this blessing despite tricking his blind father.

That gives you and me hope.

We are not alone despite the mistakes we make.

But we have to stay the course and get back on track when we have strayed and fallen.

How far off track are you?

What lies have you told?

Who have you let down?

Apologize. Ask for forgiveness. Get back on the right path and allow God to do His thing in you, with you, and through you

It really is that simple. It may not be easy, but it’s simple.

Stop making it so difficult.

We’re in this together.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.