Bless Their Hearts

From today’s reading…

When ridiculed, we bless; when persecuted, we endure;

when slandered, we respond gently.” 1 Corinthians 4:12-13

Was Paul a wimp for giving this advice, or was he sly as a fox? There’s a quote attributed to Napoleon that says, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

When someone is losing their cool and attacking you simply because they have the ability to do so, they may encourage a few of their peers, but ultimately they are damaging their own credibility, which will eventually lead to their demise. So take a chill pill.

Besides, quite often the enemy is just too numerous and hostile to fight head-on, which necessitates the use of your noggin to do what they do not expect.

Case in point, the protestors-turned-rioters-turned-looters-turned-murderers in Portland, Kenosha, D.C., and now Rochester. These angry, bitter, uneducated tools of the devil are doing more to help Trump get reelected than any Russian collusion, bots, or stealing of mail trucks could ever do.

I guarantee you that for every idiot who was inspired by the young white male screaming and flipping off the elderly couple crossing the street to return to their hotel on the last night of the RNC convention, 100 were turned off by it.

Heck, even Don Lemon of CNN realizes the riots and looting are hurting the Democrats in the pools and he’s asking them to stop.

Just take a deep breath. Count to 10. Say a prayer. Regardless of what’s going on around you or even to you, doing this will help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.