Brad Sugars: Revolutionize Your Thinking

Revolutionize Your Thinking

Entrepreneurial Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Downscale when you need to

  • Automate when you can

  • “The Great Resignation” is happening

  • People want to work for themselves and from home

  • Why we’re in a boom economy

  • Bitcoin boom

  • Record savings since the government gave away so much money

The shopper is going to go with what’s easy.”

Brad sugars

Bob Burg, the king of referrals on The Sales Podcast
  • Kids don’t know how to think

  • Gen Xers don’t fix things. We threw them away.

  • “To make money” is not a good enough mission statement today

  • What’s your mission? It’s about “love.”

  • Build your people and they build your business

  • Too many entrepreneurs are just technicians who don’t know how to manage and lead

  • To own a business it must work without you

  • Corporations have boards that demand growth

  • Do you go into businesses as an investor or an operator?

  • To get stock tips pay attention to what your kids are doing

  • When you’re born, you don’t get a manual, you get a mother

  • Only invest in things when you’re an expert in it

  • Spend two weeks diving in deep to understand something

  • Listen to the questions being asked to determine a top in a market, i.e., “Are things too high?”

  • When your Uber driver tells you about their seven properties you know it’s at a peak

  • Change your thinking, change your life

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast