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  • Break Free From Suckville With Performance Coach, Dr Bhrett McCabe

Break Free From Suckville With Performance Coach, Dr Bhrett McCabe

Success leaves clues. Here’s how to find them.

Performance Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Clinical Psychologist

  • Psychology of injury rehab

  • Sales support from a medical side

  • Opened his own practice

  • Performance expert

  • How to get the last 1% out of people

We’re terrified of success.”

Bhrett McCabe Thumbnail

  • Priming the person to be ready for change

  • People always resist at first

  • Get people to buy into why they need to change

  • Find out what’s important to them and listen genuinely

  • Create dissonance

    • Popcorn kerneling (stuck in the back of your teeth so you remember me)

    • Challenge them indirectly

    • Prime the prospect to pay attention to their pain

  • People take a while to open up

  • There is always something back there

  • We’re afraid of opening-up

  • We know if we open up we’ll have to work on fixing it

  • We think we won’t be good enough

  • We think we’re coming for help for an “issue” vs. our character

  • You need to see the big picture

  • You’re running your own race

  • It’s tough to admit “I’m a work in progress”

  • Meet them where they are

  • Take your time to get them to open up

  • We’re all in sales all the time

  • Sports coaches have to sell every day (they should immediately hire a PR expert)

  • We’re always falling short of our dreams and what we think we can get to

  • But you’re getting better every day, so stop being so hard on yourself

  • Life’s not fair

  • Not all good people win

  • Not all assholes lose

  • See your struggles and opportunities for what they are and change what you can

  • “Iron Chef” and “Chopped” say “figure it out”

  • Nick Saban connects psychologically with each player as they require

  • He innovates

  • It’s all selling and PR

  • Nick Saban was an early adopter of the psychological aspect of sports

  • You can’t change people

  • Change yourself

  • Be coachable

  • Want to get ahead

  • Be willing to do what needs to be done and admit you don’t have all the answers

  • Nick Saban leads from the front

  • Be expansive

  • The best leaders will have some anxiety/comfort for bringing in the best

  • It’s our own insecurities that lead us to throttle our brightest people or to seek all the credit

  • Three levels

    • Present

    • Answer

    • Converse

  • Great people journal every day

  • Don’t let your emotion of today guide you

  • Detect trends

  • Follow the greats

  • Success leaves clues

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast