Break Into Shouts Together

From today’s reading…

Break into shouts together, shouts of joy, you ruins of Jerusalem; for Yahweh has consoled his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem.” Isaiah 52:9

Imagine how happy you’d be if your favorite football team ended a winless season by upsetting your undefeated, top-ranked archenemy in the final game…by coming from behind…and winning in overtime.

Now imagine how happy you’d be if that same team went undefeated the next year and won the national championship.

Now imagine that a sportswriter had predicted this amazing turnaround 500 years before it happened.

That’s how the followers of “The Way” felt 2,000 years ago.

That’s how you and I should continue to feel because nothing has changed. Allow the birth of Jesus to console you and redeem you, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.