Bring Low The Evil Ones

From today’s reading…

Look at them, lurking to ambush me, violent men are attacking me, for no fault, no sin of mine, Yahweh,…Do not annihilate them, or my people may forget; shake them in your power, bring them low, Lord, our shield.” Psalm 59:3,11

We are fickle beings, which gives us short attention spans and even memories. (Hard to remember something you never learned.)

We see that in our nation today.

Hard men have done hard things so well for so long that our privilege is showing.

People have forgotten—because they never had to learn in the first place—what real struggle is, so they create make-believe hardships to play the role of victim, destroying our nation.

But we do not need to annihilate these child-grooming narcissistic pagan dictators-in-waiting.


We need to shake their weak foundations, knock them off their pedestals, bring them down to earth with us little people they have mocked, scorned, and undermined for decades, where they can be observed without their Instagram filters, tenured security, pension protection, and unending praise of their brain-dead sycophants. 

You cannot bargain with evil.

You must root it out and call it what it is, lest future generations fall into its snares.

This is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.