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  • Broke Cordon bleu Chef Got Sales Coaching & Made It Happen, David Mor

Broke Cordon bleu Chef Got Sales Coaching & Made It Happen, David Mor

With Talent or a Business You Can Grow Today

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Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

You just need talent or a business.”

  • Own the street before you own the city

  • Attended boot camps as a chef and got to listen

  • Did affiliate marketing for two years

  • Businesses fail because enough people haven’t seen your advertising

  • A logo is not a business

  • A funnel is not a business

  • Four pillars of advertising

    • Marketing/advertising

    • Lead generation

    • Sales cycle

    • Repeat

  • Take the risks

  • Say yes and figure out how

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Wes Schaeffer: David, level up podcast, all the way from Toronto, welcome to the sales podcast, man. How the heck are you?

David Mor: I’m great. I’m great. Thank you for having me here.

Wes: What the heck dude, you were in the food service industry. Is that right that I read that right on LinkedIn or somewhere in one of your websites, right. So, how’d you go from food service to running major online campaigns for Tony Robbins?

Wes: And…soon…You can add The Sales Whisperer® to the list, then your business is really good. You just thought you were growing, what do you get The Sales Whisperer®!

David: What happened there was actually I was in the kitchen, and at the same time I was really broke. I graduated lacquered on blue. It’s a French Culinary Institute.

David: And I was sitting in a basement on my friend and I was really in a bad shape financially, I was working as a sous chef in a fancy place, and it

David: And then I worked as a pastry chef and another fancy place, and it just wasn’t paying the bills and back then. I think I started self-educating myself on different financial

David: Elements right reading some books, listening to Robert Kiyosaki, and my biggest breakthrough was Tony Robbins with awaken the giant within and decision making. I felt like I’m not making decisions in life anymore, right i’m not i’m not controlling I’m letting life be as they go.

David: Hand Tony says, Make a list of decisions, you want to make and just make them just decide right don’t leave everything hanging and I started making decisions and just living with them, right, because there’s this fear.

David: Of making decisions right so I decided to to find a better job right because Robert Kiyosaki says what you’ve learned in school does not necessarily mean that that’s the way you make money.

David: Right, you can utilize your school expertise to make money. But if it doesn’t work out, don’t be emotional about it.

David: Just get over it. You need to raise your income right it’s riser increments. Think about a veteran coming out of better schooling so I kind of found a sales job, a door to door sales job.

David: Sales and Service go around knock the door sell the service do it it’s holding the grass here in Canada. It’s a very popular service.

David: The owner of the company was actually my first kind of mentor I progress really fast in the company. I did really well because I came from, you know, very hard work.

David: So,

Wes: A whole. Did you just quit. You just, you just stop being a chef.

David: And I needed to make money.

David: And I found a job that I can work every single day and make on average $250 a day. Mm hmm. Do you know what I mean. I was, I could barely pay rent as a chef, which was $400 a month.

Wes: But the cordon bleu training is not cheap.

David: I know it’s $35,000

You just walk away from

David: School, you need to pay for

David: Right, yeah. You need to pay for it. And it was a problem, right. So I started working there and I kinda you know evolved by selfie mode more kept reading

David: Keep reading books. The, the CEO of the company was like a first mentor to me that told me, like the truth as it is enlightened me

David: Right didn’t promise me great things after I’m going to go and learn another thing in school. He just flat out laid out life to me as it is and kind of worked on my mindset.

David: And I think that well by himself. He’s a 16 time karate and kickboxing champion. Good grief and owner of the largest sales direct sales company in Canada biggest student employer in Canada Canadian property stars. So it was really kind of mentorship progress for me in, in, you know, in my head. And I always had that entrepreneurial mindset. Like I always try to make some money on the side like nothing was really working out really big and I always had that like

David: I could do more. I said, I have a job, but then I could do something on the side like where’s the internet, everybody’s talking about the internet. And then, you know, working for him. I finished there as a system general manager having amazing crew of people working

David: You know,

Wes: How long. How long were you with him?

David: Five years. Nice. It was the longest job I’ve ever worked with.

Wes: And how long were you door to door like versus getting up into management?

David: Door to door. I was doing. I did one season for what I was like probably four or five months. Okay, then I became a manager. Yeah.

David: But as a manager, I have the opportunity to go out as a as a worker, a lot

Wes: Oh yeah, you had that I demonstrate it right, you probably are still selling and while you’re training.

David: Well, the idea was to to train this well. They just company like this company is so amazing, because

David: We fight. We go out and we recruit the workers. Right, so it gave me an expertise to go to universities.

David: Stop students in the middle of the the hallway and say hey man, do you want a job, I have something we have a bomb give them the information later on, call them up and say, hey man, we’re doing

David: We’re doing this workshop. Come on in. Right, we’re doing a hiring workshop. Come on in. Will they’ll come in and we’ll give them the company presentation.

David: They’ll apply get in and then, you know, they’ll come up for for the first day of work and there’s people that you met any university right like their first day of work and suddenly the low students anymore. They got to go to the door to get to sell a service. It’s Commission based right

Wes: And the universities let you prospect on their campuses know

Wes: You just do it anyway. They do it anyway. Nice better to ask forgiveness than permission.

David: Part, then

Wes: It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

David: Oh 100% 100% gonna say, Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. Really, why not, I’m just walking to the bus station, because every you’ve been major university has like a bus stops and trains and something that is leading to it outside. Right.

David: So you can always say I was hanging out in the bus and the bus terminal randomly walking around with a company shirt and an iPad.

Wes: Hey, you know,

David: Yeah, no. But, but we would go to job fairs and does universities, you know, and we paid to be there as well. So, so it’s

Wes: A good relationship. It’s a good relationship to school.

Wes: So you recruit them. All right, so you’re five years there. I mean that that in and of itself is a great story. I mean, you just decided to switch horses. I like all right. Yeah, I spent 35 grand but great, I’m not making it back. So I’m gonna go make some money.

Wes: And people. Yeah, I saw this thing just not too. Not too long ago I learned last week or so it’s like, you know, complex problems do not require complex solutions. Right, right. If your current way of life. If your current job, whatever is not making things work change.

Wes: I mean, it literally is that simple, right, it’s gonna make this may not be easy. Right. Well, I mean, I got imagine maybe you were a little nervous or anxious. But I mean, I’m guessing you were younger, probably single no kids. I mean, I made it a little easier.

David: Me, I had a child and another one on the way.

Wes: You did.

Wes: Yeah. Nice. That’s what I did. I mean, I left the Air Force, I was married with a kid, another one on the way. So, Yeah, how did that make it easier to switch?

David: I’m 100% I came to my wife right and they said hey listen

As long as great job.

David: And she said, Really, where where restaurant is it. I’m like, I saw a restaurant. It’s a landscaping company.

Wes: Like did you fall in the kitchen hit your head.

David: What do you mean, I think you will not even believe I went a variety of work today and I mean 300 bucks, almost like I mean on my first day of work right.

Wes: And also, you did it. You did it before you told her.

David: Yeah.

Wes: Oh, nice. Same thing as forgiveness rather than permission. Right.

David: It’s as easy as that. Right. And I

Wes: Although there’s nothing to forgive. When you’re bringing money home.

David: Amen. When you’re renders 400 bucks and you just made 250 in one day. What are you going to do tomorrow.

David: Yeah, given that, oh,

Wes: She’s like, why are you even home keep there’s still daylight.

David: From that day. I just want to say I worked 62 days straight.

David: Okay, from from that specific day. So what happened on the first day of work for me was that I was brutally broke

David: To an extent that I was I was collecting change to buy cigarettes was a small back then and I have no money and i was i remember myself walking with a chunk of change to buy cigarettes, because that’s all I have for piggy banks.

David: And I window. First day of work that probably like 1010 lawns or something out and meet about $250 with all the bonuses and everything and

Wes: The GM and do they pay right away.

David: They pay you daily

Wes: Man cash.

David: Right as a contractor, you go, you go. You go out, you do the job you sell you do the service.

David: At the other day you and where’s the company they give you cash on the spot. Nice and I made $250 on my first day of work. Mm hmm.

David: Can I mean by the end of the next three days I paid my rent and other week I paid my rent backwards. Everything that I owed her another week I rented my own apartment. I will were able to move within a month and a half.

David: We were able to move from the basement to a nice two bedroom apartment nice because I work 64 days straight.

David: Right, because you can work every day. They don’t care. It’s a, it’s a, it’s a seasonal business.

Wes: Right.

David: Right. There’s even an award for that’s called the workhorse of tools.

David: You have a review work if you record every 30 days if you work 30 days straight. You get a workhorse award 750 bucks bonus because he worked every single day.

Wes: Guys, I got imagine the winters. You’re not going door to door in Toronto.

David: Know, so in the winter, what we did was charity.

David: So we would we would set up different local events and sell toys for charity. We’re salespeople. Okay. I mean, we will go out with baskets and sell toys.


Wes: So how are you there five years. How did you switch into what you’re doing now, because that’s a big change.

David: Yeah.

Wes: Yeah. We’re having some internet issues.


Wes: You’re on Wi Fi there.

David: Yeah, I think should be fine now.

Wes: Yes, twice. It cut out a little bit. So how did you make that switch from door to door salesman to running a big company doing massive online media buys for

David: Well,

Wes: Big guys like Tony Robbins.


David: Ben is an amazing Ben is an amazing mentor right he has an entrepreneurial mentor. He teaches his guys to go out door to door and manage their own little

David: Area ation business on their street. You know what I mean, like on the street. Before you own the country.

David: Right before you own the city before you on the province before you on the country right right and and everybody have their own level right the manager is the city level right the GM is there are the country level right so

David: He’ll teach the like the newest employee to be an entrepreneur to go out, you know, manage the entire day without you’re like by yourself crush it.

David: You know what I mean, there’s a competition. It’s really fun it’s illegal. It’s not just sales, it’s a it’s a league of sales people. There is a there’s points. There’s no dollars. Everything is converted to points. It’s all about points.

David: We’re going out and playing a game right where your CEO has a sports lifestyle his entire life from like age of six, he has been in karate and kickboxing, guess what.

David: You’re joining a league period and by himself. He sees like CPS is more than just a job for me, it’s more than just a business. It’s a league.

David: I go into my computer, I get results every day and I see the league like this guy’s leading this guy, they’re so close. Oh my god. The title this, this guy’s at 29 days he’s gonna get this award and we got these local awards and for him. It’s all

David: It’s all a game and for us to write for the managers for the workers and he’ll train you constantly, constantly on entrepreneur and starting point. If you have an entrepreneurial spark within you.

David: And someone comes in and, you know, poor is entrepreneurial gasoline on it. You’re going to set the thing on fire. You want it or not. So I started probably on my last year I started different elements like I started literally from growing.

David: My business on the Internet.

David: Different doing things, you know, and then some bitcoins some this affiliate that affiliate like little things while I was working was really tough really hard because I was working 14 hours a day, um,

David: You know, and I wanted to get more and as soon as I made you know my salary work for a year.

David: In my business. I just, I knew I had to quit the job because like this is my opportunity. There’s a new year. Now I already made my myself making about $80,000 a year working in the property stars overall. So I would say

David: As soon as I made something like 60 I literally quit the job and kind of delve into it right away because I knew, like I might be

Wes: As soon as you made 60 jumped into what

David: I left my job.

Wes: To do what to

David: Fully focus on my business. Learn master grow it because I was starting to get some results and I knew that if I could.

Wes: If I could. Oh, you’re already doing digital marketing because you

Wes: Mentioned like Bitcoin everything else.

David: Yeah, I was doing a little bit, but I knew that really in order to scale. I need to put more time into it.

David: Right, like I need to do my own morning meetings, I need to have my own people in the room night. Oh, I need those people to go out and worried about my interests, right, like I need to copy what Ben does like but I need to do it for myself.

David: And Ben taught me every element of the game. Like if you sit, you know, I wasn’t Ben’s mastermind up he will go out once a year in January, they’ll do the beginning of January.

David: They do a mastermind with all GMOs and executives up in the mountains. Right. It’s called the executive boot camp and he gives you perspective of the business that you’ll never find in any schooling.

David: You know it in hardcore numbers hardcore conversations on what needs to be done.

David: Right, like because you because if you come from the bottom, your work or you see this amazing system. Then you come as a manager. You see this thing they become a GM. You see this thing, but then you get closer to Ben as an executive

David: And and and he gives you the hardcore things and I was there, I was there for the executive boot camp. I was actually they’re not. I was actually there is a chef, because that was my other

Wes: End. Oh.

David: Yeah, he needed someone to come out and cook and I and I reached out to him and say, Hey, I know you guys are going to do GM bootcamp Joanne told me my GM

David: Do you need to cook.

David: Can I save a few dollars.

Wes: They’re like, why is everything burning in the kitchen, you’re sitting in the front row taken. Oh, sorry. I knew I had a timer. Yeah, I’ll be right back.

David: When I came here with first time I went there with my

David: Up in the mountain.

Wes: Hold on you. You’re cutting out there. First time you went, what

David: First time I went I went with my GM and I kind of went in there and I listened to it as a cook as a chef second time he actually invited me to set you know what

David: I saw like your performance last year went up and I think the executive bootcamp or something that you need.

David: As well for you as a manager grew you as a manager. You need to come out there. I know you’re a chef. It’s going to help us out a lot but you definitely need to come out there as a, you know, learn this stuff because it really grew me from being a manager and and being, you know, the

David: The campaigner with the flag in the sword.

David: Front to literally made me a strategical gave me a lot of strategical thinking because when you are in such a tight.

David: Executive meeting. You know, it’s very

David: It’s not a suit meeting executive

David: You know what I mean.

David: It’s a very private personal people sharing their emotions, right, because they’re going to need to stand in front of a crowd. They need to

David: Get everything out. Right. And suddenly you see the big people in the company share their like on an emotional professional level.

David: You understand, like, oh, that’s what I need to do. That’s the mindset I need to switch. I don’t, I don’t need to be that campaign or to win the game. I need to be like these guys. These guys know the game.

David: These guys are so strategic about like they start here, we’re like, we’re starting when we’re back in the city. Shit. These guys are like they’re right here, like they’re already thinking on. You know what I mean. That’s how far ahead, they are

David: Right. And essentially, I kind of said, you know what I need that in my business and I need, I need, I need that. I need that in my life. I need to do that by myself.

David: I had a lot of support from Ben, just the fact that I defected completely profit company and I was probably the first manager who open a business.

David: And didn’t go open inebriation business because we had a lot of those. We had a lot of guys like most of the competition on the market as they used to be our staff.

David: Right, I can tell you that 100% and today that they’re still around their little business they reach out to me to do marketing for them. Right. That’s kind of that’s kind of where it went. But, but

Wes: I was. You’re on your own. Right. So you start you dabble. But I mean, when did you hit your stride on this digital marketing.

David: Just kept going. I think just kept doing different things just kept trying just kept learning just kept going right like

David: Did you go part

Wes: Did you start at this at the street and then the city like did you try to get local customers. Did you try to get this to customers. Did you take anyone that would that would pay your invoice.

David: And I’ll tell you what I started with affiliate

David: Affiliate Marketing promoting someone else’s product. Okay, some drop shipping, which is again someone else’s product made some money with that.

David: What what that allowed me to do that allowed me to learn, Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube advertising over two years right where I did as a solid others people products like to an extent that I had to make it work. I had to make it profitable. You know, I mean, I had to

Wes: How did you pick. How did you pick what products to represent

David: Something that I was aligned with I think someone that that that’s something that I always was aligned with that aligned with me like a mission right

David: I have products that I feel that, you know, they are a mission, they are. They’re not just

David: To sell and to make money or to sell on the grow your downline or or does the products that really truly have a vision for the future, something that you know that can

David: Sustainably stay in the future, something that’s not just a trend, right, because if you at the end of the day, look at big companies like if you look at the huge brands have been around here for hundreds of years. Why

David: Just because they have a sustainable business model because they’re looking so far ahead in the future. Right, right.

David: Like McDonald’s right they knew from day one. If they’ll buy the properties, there’ll be the biggest in the world. Mm hmm.

David: Right. They knew that was their vision, one day, we’re going to be the biggest real estate in the world will just buy. Look at this, there’s a glitch in the system. You can buy a property and who’s sponsoring it my burger company.

David: Right was going to pay for it, a burger company and slowly slowly became the best burger company in the world.

David: Right. Or maybe not the best, but maybe the biggest burger company in the world.

David: That’s why not allow them to buy any real estate. They want right that that’s their vision like and I partnered with with with stuff like that with magic.

David: In the first place, which is a water machine, but they have a huge vision. They have a huge movement of changing your life changing your habits changing your diet changing

David: And I really love the message is still use the product. So use the machine still promote it.

David: I think it’s great. Like, people will tell me and tell them it’s just, it’s amazing, right, regardless of the income, the product is absolutely amazing. You know, I don’t know how many MLM and I’ve been to a few

David: I don’t know how else you could say that about the product, essentially, right. So I kind of aligned myself without mission.

David: I had to be

Wes: Selling you’re selling other people’s stuff. When did you make the transition to doing your own business for where your business is selling, you know, running campaigns running ads for folks. Because, I mean, that’s a big jump from doing affiliate marketing network marketing.

Wes: Now you’re running campaigns, you know, most people would be happy like landing the local chiropractor and you know some local car dealership.

Wes: But you’re jumping all the way up to Tony Robbins.

David: So here’s the thing, right. As a part of understanding how this whole online game works. I’m always looking for successful people to model them and I found a group

David: They’re called the local marketing volt. These guys are champions, they made $10 million in sales last year.

David: I think they’re over $25 million in sales in total in the past three, four years just with a course that teaches you how to do marketing for local businesses.

David: And I said, you know what I know traffic. I know advertising. Well, all I need is the funnels, and for them to show me a way to get clients. Mm hmm. Right. And that was a transition

David: Right, because I went in there and I saw the different methods. And again, these guys are aWesome like these guys will teach you getting clients from everywhere, right.

David: Like there’s an amazing and plus, they have a Facebook course and they have all the rest of the stuff, but I got that knowledge and they kind of went in and I said you know what

David: Maybe I can partner with people. Right. Maybe I can now with with the assets that I have. And again, so like if as an agency. I’m like, I build a lot of different sales funnels.

David: In my account. I have over 280 examples of sales funnels, just in general like as a catalog that I’ve been collecting them.

David: In the last four years and building different in different things. And essentially, I said, You know what, this is something that we could do as well. We could

David: We could do it for them. We could grow it for them. We could, we could actually like I could come in and take a little piece of the pie and everywhere because our expertise just grow to so many different places.

David: That if we, as long as we niche down to our specific Avatar, we will be able to help them every single time because they know we know exactly where our avatar is and what type of offer and people who have a mission right. We want to help them.

David: We want to help them because here’s the thing most people fail because not enough people have seen their offer

David: That’s a fact. They simply and in 2020 they simply don’t have enough advertising or they simply don’t have enough traffic. Right.

David: It’s a fact it’s a fact that I said, hey, maybe we can partner up. Maybe we can build a business model. And we partner up with amazing people that want to blow themselves up online, they have either a talent or a business. And that’s all you need to have a talent or a business to be successful.

David: Honestly, no matter what.

Wes: You have a talent or a business, but then you hire people that suck. They

Wes: Present, they create

Wes: A faulty pixel, or maybe they make the right pixel. And then, but then they it’s in their name and then

Wes: You got a you’re held hostage to get it back or they they start off, fine. You got a good couple weeks good month and then they kind of phone it in. They still want to charge you 500 1500 2500 a month.

Wes: To manage your campaigns and things are kind of boring and blah, blah, blah. But now you’re in this long term contract, you got assume to get out of it. So,

Wes: We little more than talent or business right

David: I’m, to be honest. And here’s the thing, right, hiring. Yeah, you can you can you can like talent.

David: It won’t be a business. But if you wanted to make money and you wanted to grow in 2020 it’s easier than ever before. And I think the bigger brands.

David: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google Pinterest, they’re doing their best to make it

David: As simple or as possible for the newest person like the newest person that shows up because they just want your business. That’s it. They just want your business.

David: You know what I mean. So if you have a talent out there and you want to promote yourself. It hasn’t been ever easier to promote yourself on these platforms. Right.

Wes: Right. But is it the the converse argument that because it’s never been easier. It’s noisier than ever.

Wes: Because everybody in their brother is throwing up an ad, hey, here’s my funnel. I’m a high ticket closer, you know, get found on Instagram, build your list of 10,000 followers. I mean, I, dude. I get pitched I can’t even count.

Wes: The number of pitches on LinkedIn on just email literally 10 times a day. I’m pitched Hey, I want to be on your podcast. Oh my gosh.

Wes: So it’s, yeah. It is easier but doesn’t that make it noisier

David: Yes, I’ll tell you what, even more.

David: It’s not just about noisy, it actually just because the old came out like that. I think it requires the pros to step up.

David: Right and and because wherever is doing the same thing and it’s boring and essentially they fade out

David: Do you know what I mean, people who stay in this and people who are you know that

David: They’re consistent, the continuous they’re consistent they’re doing, why they’re doing it because they’re growing

David: Because they’re financially grown because they’re actually find that they’re, they’re actually bringing value back

David: You know what I mean. And that’s and that’s the secret. There’s today, every person that has an iPhone things that I’m a digital marketer. I know how to do post on Facebook.

David: They’re not. I mean, later on, they go into their Facebook ad account, who shoe. I could sell this to clients. Right. That’s how that’s how it becomes but the reality is

David: As what is the value, they’re serving back right how much value does it really have. Right. And those would all have value, really, really, really fast find themselves in in in in a in a planter.

David: Of building a business because you just look at talent is not a business a funnel is not a business okay a logo is not a business. But if you want to be financially free and wealthy, essentially, you need a business.

Wes: Do you know what I mean, right. But what about people that do have a business because, I mean, I agree what you’re saying about if if you

Wes: You know, if your failings because enough people aren’t seeing your ads right they I’ve always said people don’t do business with you for one of two reasons, either they haven’t heard of you or they have. Right, right. So, assuming you get your decent what you do.

Wes: How does someone, how does that local chiropractor that local

Wes: You know roofing contractor.

Wes: Put their name out effectively online, right. How do they run the campaigns, I saw something days like 7 million advertisers on Facebook and growing.

Wes: You know I’m seeing things about YouTube really in Google kind of coming back in vogue. You know, if they were ever out of vogue, but better customer service.

Wes: Google Display Network actually providing better results. You know, how does, how does the local chiropractor that you know doesn’t know this stuff. How do they pick the right person, or where do they start even learning to do it themselves to get a positive ROI for they run out of money.

David: So here’s the thing, right, there’s an art of hiring right there’s the art and the science of hiring.

David: Today,

David: The goal for you as a business owner is to be strategic right to figure out

David: The who’s right not not the house right a lot of business owners. They focus on the house and then they just, you know, dump their on their own business. But if you focus on the who’s and you know what if you wanted to hire freelancers to do that for you.

David: You know, you can go out online your fiber. You’re freelancer com you have so many platform up work right. You can fire hire someone

David: You know, and, and here’s what I think if they’re on a platform out on the internet and they have 100 positive reviews about their service or probably know what they’re doing.

David: You know what I mean, they’re probably the problem. Maybe they’ll give you an amazing result, maybe not. But here’s the thing about results. I just want to touch on that because like there’s a perception out there.

David: Have this thing resolved this online marketing I advertise I get sales here’s, here’s what I’m gonna say I want to compare for a second, things like

David: Bus ads right or bus stop ads or radio ads or newspaper ads. Right. What kind of result they give you

David: Right. What kind of result they give you your business right people do them 100% I actually used to think that

David: If I see an ad on a bus. It’s a good for me as an advertiser to call them and tell them hey

David: I have a better way, and much cheaper and I’m going to take only a third of what you do to give you twice as much result. Mm hmm. Do you know what I mean, as a legion.

David: Because no colder, like I just looked in here in Toronto TTC right to advertise 20 on 21 buses over a seven day period. It’s almost $9,000

David: Right $9,000. It’s insane. Okay. It’s insane because once the results are getting out of it. Is anyone calling. I’m not 100%. Sure. I don’t know. Can you put that even the bus company can’t quantify the results. So you’re buying a media from a bus company.

David: And you’re not getting any results. How do you know what type of results, what, how to qualify. Right.

David: Newspaper, the same, right. So there’s chick say you can do this. You can do that. But the tricks.

David: Their tricks. They’re just tricks. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don’t. It depends on the state of impression, right, if a person sees a bus ad and they’re in a state that while this is for them, great, but you’re not pinpointing online advertising works.

David: Because it gives you the results and data right away about your entire thing. Right, right.

David: Your radio on you run it call this text this right, you get some result right because cost per lead right you do the math, not good.

David: A YouTube ad runs down right shows you after 100 200 bucks right and you can make craft a YouTube app for 5200 bucks today. You don’t need to go and go crazy about a jingle on the radio. Right, I’m

David: A huge about his craft it right and and it gives you how much, how much of the message of people watching

David: When are they clicking. How much of them are clicking. How much of them are passing through how much you then going in the next step one. So it allows you to look at your entire operation is a step by step formula.

David: And a step by step framework to your customers and identify that framework much faster and see where we’re in the framework in the customer journey. Where does it fail.

David: Which part of it fails. Right. Is it, is it the front end the ad that fails, replace it really quick. Let’s go back replaced on the same platform.

David: Is it the advertising. That’s not working. I’ll replace the person who was doing it right. Is it the pages you visit your website is not using your message. I click well do a new one.

David: They move to the next step. Okay, they they show up on your order form, but they’re not they’re not slamming the credit card or copy change the page, they’re passing on but they’re not buying my episodes. I’m, I’m trying to give them something I want them to buy. I’m a hair salon.

David: I sold a ticket for $47 I worked with hair salons sold the front ticket for $47 and two episodes up to $200 right

David: They take the opposite. Take that note. What’s how much of it do they take they take it. Great don’t replace it.

David: Yet again, your whole Come, come, destination. Right. What are you, what are you serving your customers with essential. Right, right.

Wes: So, you, you mentioned you had what 280 funnels that you’ve stored say, Yes, sir.

Wes: What do they all have in common.

David: They’re an amazing collection.

David: Their funnels. That’s the only thing they have in common. I think right but I think it’s

Wes: 280 different ways to, you know,

Wes: Capture and nurture lead

David: For example, yeah. There’s about I have lead wise, probably about 150 of them because my my forte in this funnel word is the lead generation part

David: Is the lead generation and qualifying the leads to convert proper on the phone from the ads to the funnel. That’s where I kind of

David: That’s, that’s where we’re kind of with agency we specialize we because I think we talked about it. There’s four pillars in a business, there’s

David: Marketing and advertising, there is the next step is lead generation. The next step of sales cycle. The next step is repeat

David: Right there’s kind of four, four pillars and we take over marketing and advertising and lead generation, which leaves the business with managing and pushing people through the sales cycle to create the actual profits. So we can actually repeat the entire process again and again. Right.

Wes: So can you give me those again marketing and advertising lead generation.

David: Marketing and Advertising lead generation sales cycle.

David: And repeat, that’s my kind of business cycle pillar day right and repeat. And what I mean by repeat

David: Is after you have people pass through, like, and it doesn’t have to be a funnel again everything we’re funneling customers or or whatever but

David: When they pass through at the end you look at it, you did a certain you put a certain amount of money and advertising. On the other hand, some money came out, you see.

David: The balance and then you do the math, right. Did I make my money back. Right. Is it worth it for me to advertise again, maybe I should try a different

David: A different advertising campaign, maybe a stretch something different in my marketing and advertising segment.

David: Right. Maybe I should go into my lead generation now and kind of try to push people in right. Maybe I was relying on too much automation. Maybe I should pick up the phone and start calling them.

David: And saying, hey, do you want to join us. You want to buy our product. Why didn’t you buy. Right. What, what, what made you not buy our product, Tony.

David: Right. Well, it was too complicated to buy. Well, let me help you with that. God, man, why didn’t you buy. I didn’t like your ego.

David: Okay, cool. Does that mean I didn’t like your presentation. Okay. What does that mean, what part of it didn’t July.

David: Oh, the part of that you talked about this stuff. Oh, okay. That’s interesting. And if all if I’ll call them.

David: Right if I’ll sit down and I’ll call them and I know why didn’t you buy, and I’ll just ask them, I’m not offended, just tell me why you didn’t buy. Mm hmm. Right. And if I’ll get those I’ll know what’s messed up in my sales cycle, people will tell me I didn’t buy because. Right, right.

Wes: And then like your apple or people pretty honest or would you use like a third party to call and get the feedback or people

David: People are pretty honest. They didn’t buy from you. They know who you are. They said no to you.

Wes: Right, but they may not take the call, or maybe, I don’t know, it’s, I’m just trying to

David: Whatever you can get whatever we did. We did this for a webinar which we didn’t know why it wasn’t converting right and was really upsetting.

David: And I said, let’s just call them and ask them like we’re trying to bang or have inside, trying to figure out a webinar script.

David: But let’s just ask them, how would you know well I’ll sit down and I’ll call them one by one. Hey man, thanks for showing up in the webinar. Yeah. Listen, I know you didn’t purchase.

David: Right, we’re just doing a little survey, just trying to understand the people because I’m sure you signed up because we wanted to give you some value.

David: I know I hope you got some value out of it. Right. Did you get some value from our presentation. Yeah, I did. Okay, aWesome, aWesome. But I didn’t see you on the customer list. What, what, what made you you know finally say, No, I don’t want to buy this.

David: We’re just trying to improve our process. Right, right. Maybe we maybe we can do something here. And by the way, we found sales.

David: Your payment processing didn’t work for me. Right. We found sales, which later resolved, you know, a lead is like, Oh, cool. You want it in. Yeah, yeah. I wanted him just I tried to swipe my card didn’t work. Okay, can you do PayPal. Yeah, I can.

David: Write you’ll find things like that that just simply break your system.

David: Right, which you can resolve really quick and to make the sales in the beginning, you don’t have to, you know, I mean, when you’re driving the mass. Also, when you’re trying to mass quantity and it’s not converting. You got to understand what’s going on in the back end.

David: Right. Because if people are responsive to your ad responsive to your message and they come to your cart and they say, I don’t want to buy it, what, why, why.

David: It’s online. Right. It’s not on TV that I have this, it goes into my subconscious and when I see it in the store and Walmart. I’m like, thinking about why saw this on TV doesn’t work like that. It works in immediate emotion why online advertising work.

David: Because the state of the impression when does Facebook catch you. When does YouTube. Catch you catch you when you’re watching a video.

David: You’re sitting there in front of your computer or your phone and you’re watching a video you’re right there. Like, like this, you know, why does it work as you ready to observe right was this Facebook work because you’re sitting there like this.

David: She’s like, you’re observing like you’re in a you’re in a state called the state of the impression. Right. Why doesn’t

Bust out some work.

David: Because people are not ready to observe in Canada. It’s today is minus four. No one’s observing outside. Everybody’s trying to, you know, I mean, that’s called your other and I’m working

David: You know what it is. That’s how I kind of see it right. The state of impression a ski and that’s why all advertising work. So if the process, the automated process doesn’t work. Why folk field yeah won’t be the best to reach out and just ask them, Hey, I didn’t like you. You’re an idiot. Okay.

David: I’ll try to change that to thank you. Hey, listen, if 10 people tell you you’re an idiot in your presentation online.

Wes: Which are present. Probably an idiot.

David: Switch a presenter. Don’t be don’t have an ego bring someone else go to fiber higher presenter haven’t read your, your, your thing, right.

David: They don’t like you.

David: You know, maybe you want to sell a product, but they don’t like you, right, or refocus your message in your advertising. Again, the wrong people in

Wes: So how, how did you rise up because before we hit record to me. You mentioned you’ve got some big name clients.

Wes: Some people never get that big. Some people may maybe don’t have the guts to go after big name people did you go after them. Were you introduced to them, was it was it luck. You know, it was a little bit of all the above

David: A little bit of all the above, I would say it wasn’t opportunity and I didn’t say no, I was ready for it, like they say luck. Luck is when preparation.

David: Preparation meets opportunity right so we were cost again and prepared for an opportunity and when opportunity came, we didn’t say no. Right. A lot of people, they’re preparing preparing for that opportunity comes into like I do it. He’s gonna go for it.

Wes: Right. Oh.

David: Should I go for it. Like, is it like, is this what I was waiting for. I’m not 100% sure is this, am I gonna take this right. Is it is it that moment.

David: Right. Should I take it. Should I do it right and then by the time the opportunity passes them right

David: And then they go to something else and and then miss that. Right. So saying yes to opportunities and being prepared to deliver results.

David: Right to deliver results and being prepared because if you’re consistent things are going to come to you people see that you, um, people see that you’re doing something they’re going to come to you and say, hey, listen, myself, Tony Robbins and Ngozi OCR doing them.

David: Are doing a launch we’re launching this new course new software. Want to come join us want to be a partner for the launch. What are you gonna say

David: Yeah, right.

David: Like we will be afraid some

Wes: People are afraid of success.

David: 100% 100% but you got to see. Yes, sometimes you know they’re

Wes: Like, who am I, or I’m not quite ready. Are you don’t need another month I need to go to another mastermind need one more cores to need to finish my degree.

Wes: I mean there’s 101 reasons to not step up here.

David: Here’s the thing. I described entrepreneurial journey as standing on the cliff and literally every opportunity have a you’re jumping off the cliff.

David: There’s some people that are going to say no I’m not jumping, because I don’t have a parachute. Let me go get it. Let me go find it. Let me go buy it. Let me go created, let me go, whatever.

David: Right, and I think the entrepreneurs are the 15% that jump in and say, Screw it. I’ll figure out the parachute on the way down at least I’ll be the first one to get there.

David: You know what I mean and and i think that’s that’s the true entrepreneurial you know there’s there’s some like look at Jeff Bezos, right, Jeff Bezos has the personality of entrepreneur, he, he

David: He does the big risks right he takes the bigger YES, HUGE rewards, but is probably taken the biggest risks are putting his entire company on a verge of bankruptcy to grow it.

David: You know, I’ve been taking loans for everything that it’s worth just to open a new section in the company which could fail absolutely miserably. Right.

David: Right, and then your entire company would have been destroyed and will visit

David: Only if it eBay could have made a wrong decision or will even made a lot of wrong decisions, but they couldn’t make a right decision.

David: Right and kind of push Amazon when Jeff Bezos trying to lift it.

David: And maybe there were in different space right now. You know what I mean. But they never pushed it they ignored it. They said, it’s never gonna

David: Wear eBay, where the biggest what’s Amazon. It’s nothing. It’s a toy. Right. It’s just a bookstore. It’s a bookstore, online. That’s what they’re doing 2020 they’re the biggest online distribution network of products worldwide. Right.

David: You know it anyway is just some online store with a lot of scams on it. Yeah. Do you know what I mean. So it’s just about taking them like

David: Taking that taking those risks saying yes like saying, yes, yes. No one. You don’t have to be 100% entrepreneur you can be a manager or you can be a talented person like Tony Robbins says there’s three there’s three type of business owners, right, there’s the talented.

David: There is the manager and there is an entrepreneur.

David: Right. And in every board of directors, you got to have those three people around your business. You got to make a decision, who you are in your business, are you the manager.

David: Are you then Trump nor the look, it is doing crazy risk and finding crazy partners to do crazy investments and crazy ideas.

David: Are you the manager, are you the person behind the entire operation, are you managing the operation, are you, what is your or your the talent, are you the center of the business.

David: Right. Are you are you are you, I don’t know. Are you a musician or maybe you are an artist. Maybe you whatever the case is. Maybe you’re a chef. Maybe you’re a cook, maybe you are shoe shiner

David: Doesn’t matter, right, you have a time you could be a lawyer, a very talented one. Right, but you still need a manager so need an entrepreneur still need a manager tell you

David: I know you’re very tired of lawyer but we got to find new customers, right, and you need the entrepreneurs to say, Listen, I found this partner. He’s gonna drive us thousands of customers right away. We just have to invest money and create this huge campaign without

David: Your database. You can be all three you can be all three.

David: And that’s why you need those people aren’t you yeah

Wes: Very cool. So where can people go to learn more about you, you’ve got a mastermind right you’ve got a podcast where, where should we send people first.

David: Well, the best place to find me and understand who I am, what I do is my podcast level. I’ll podcast. What we have is that we’re bringing we’re bringing people like yourself.

David: And other champions formal across, not just the digital world, but I have the opportunity to work with some really, really, really cool people throughout my career and and to bring them to an interview, like some really kick ass entrepreneurs. I think the first

David: Let’s say, Listen, in which that because we change that. Let’s move. Let’s say the first 40 guests.

David: On the show that we recorded so far are probably about over a billion dollar valuation between, you know, Dean grassy OC was there. You were there, my, my ex boss.

David: Was there as well. So when everybody that is coming in. It’s huge value and. And I think one of the biggest things that we do is we dive into the mistakes that people do in their journey.

David: Because learning from you can learn from your own mistakes, but it’s better learning from mistakes of others and I kinda I’m very keen on that.

David: And and and I think one of the biggest things made me do that is I heard this guy Bill pulsating, his name is. And he exited $8 billion companies eight different a billion dollar company.

David: built from scratch, all the way from an idea to a billion dollar valuation and he exited eight of those and he did a he did a lot of podcasts on it with Tony Robbins, and they were doing the 15 mistakes. You want to avoid.

David: On the way to your billion dollar valuation as a business and it kind of right away. I remember I saw was like ah, I want to listen to both of them.

David: Because that’s what I really, what’s his name.

David: Uh huh.

David: I think it wasn’t bill Posey I’m not 100% about the last name, but Bill. Yeah, I’ll try to look it up. Okay.

David: And yeah, it’s like a Tony Robbins says Tony Robbins a podcast for how to

David: Make your 15 mistakes on your way to evaluate billion dollar valuation amazing just amazing. And he goes at it. You know what I mean. And he just gives it out. He says, like, okay, so I have this brilliant idea.

David: That we’re going to do this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this.

David: And then people are like, clapping because he came out to business mastery Tony Robbins, they recorded the entire thing. And like, and those people are clapping their own audience. There’s, there’s a business owners, I paid eight grand to sit in that room.

David: And people are clapping and then he says, okay, and it didn’t work. And here’s what I learned from it.

David: You don’t have it. And it’s amazing how he does it, and it’s an amazing interview. It’s an amazing recording and I think it’s

Wes: Yeah, it looks like it’s just putting at Pulte on Twitter. I wonder if he’s the Pulte homes guy. I live in a Pulte home. Okay, interesting. Yeah, I’ll check them out.

David: Definitely, definitely. It was

Wes: It was it was, oh, this is the guy. He like gives away money online that mean like on Twitter.

David: I’m maybe I’m mistaken.

Wes: Might be no no this guy, he’s using a video here with the Shark Tank folks. So it’s probably going to be him. Oh well. Interesting booty like honey.

David: I won’t be surprised. He has given us money. He exited $8 billion evaluated companies. You know what I mean, right. And it’s amazing what they did, I think,

David: It’s a great you know he did it as a value. He didn’t do it for the money. Right. He wanted to give young entrepreneurs, a platform.

David: a think tank where they can bring their idea. They can evaluate their idea and of the market, they can use a team and partner with a professional team to launch their idea to the market.

David: They failed. I think they said they failed. What about 15 to 20 products they have over 25 failing bankrupt companies.

David: But they tried

David: To try, but they made over a billion are also you know it in

David: And he goes over it. He talks about these mistakes that he learned these these amazing ideas that come out and they’re so great. And there’s some powerful and you go out and you validate them in the market wants. Somebody throw them out there.

David: goes bankrupt and you wake up in the morning. And so what happened. Well, it wasn’t as good as we thought.

David: It just wasn’t as good as we thought. Right. And it wasn’t as good as we did it like what we thought about it in the first place. Right. But it was a good idea and it just didn’t work out. And then, and here’s what we learned from that.

David: And I said, You know what, I gotta bring experts and I gotta bring him to to share. You know what they learned from it. You came around on the podcast, you shared some mistakes that sales people do, which is amazing.

David: Off the bat. So yeah, level of badass. That’s where we are, level up podcast.ca, you can find us easy

Wes: All right, I will link to that very cool man. David all the way from Toronto. Thanks for coming on shopping

David: Fantastic. Thank you so much.

Wes: Have a great day. You too.