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- But My Business Is Different (and other nonsense I hear daily)
But My Business Is Different (and other nonsense I hear daily)

I have a Private Consulting client who is telling me “but my business is different.”
We spend lots of time in private sessions where we focus on growing his business. One month into this—a whopping two hour’s worth of strategy and homework—he is getting cold feet. A WHOLE 30 DAYS!
He maxed out his credit card so his monthly payment didn’t go through and this is how he responded when I asked him what was going on:
Couple reasons,
If we do anything, I need to spread the time out to two one hour sessions. I need first to structure a website for response to a mailer, and then structure the message/mailer/offer for maximum (first hour). This will have to be done in front of a computer to make sure I can make changes as we speak.
Secondly, I need a follow-up meeting to finalize it all before printing/sending/selling and bring some continuity to the whole program.
I need practical solutions, ideas and marketing help, not generalizations (no offense). I have a million ideas and messages in my head but deciding what will work within the parameters of the industry is my problem. No time or money to make mistakes.
If we can continue under these conditions, let’s do it but I need you to work within my capabilities and what I can do right now. I have a pure sales guy to handle visits and telemarketing. May want to spend some time with him in an additional meeting to help him have some continuity.
Let me know what you think.
I consult with CPAs and architects and Realtors and life coaches and IT owners and carpet cleaners and wedding guide publishers and attorneys and authors and manufacturers and consultants and balloon twisters and yoga and pilates practitioners and spa owners and hair stylists and photographers and 3d/4d ultrasound businesses and fitness trainers and everyone in between.
We’re ALL in sales. A sale happens in every interaction in life. Either you sell the prospect on why they should work with you or they sell you on why they shouldn’t work with you.
“Marketing Programs” is a nebulous phrase. There is internet marketing, email marketing, telemarketing, direct mail, workshops, webinars, press releases, article marketing, podcasting, video blogging, and sky writing, to name a few.
All take time. All take money. All take effort. All fit into a bigger picture that must work to elicit a specific call to action.
To jump down to your “practical solutions” vs. “generalizations” I would contend that I gave you specifics in the form of reaching out to existing clients for referrals. I gave you an exact script to follow. Even better, it was free to do.
But you didn’t do it.
If you’d like to bring your sales guy to our sessions that’s fine. I have scripts he can follow and if he does he’ll help you set more, better, firmer appointments with decision makers.
You say you want to spend $250 on a video (with a local videographer)…and do what with it? Put it where? Drive traffic to it how? Measure its effectiveness how? Capture leads how?
I know what will work in your industry because it works in all industries but I can only do so much for you (in the 30-minute sessions.)
What is your budget? What are you real goals? Two clients a month? A week?
You need to lay things out for me regarding where you want to go and how much you can spend and I’ll tell you how much I can help.
But this stopping payment on a credit card won’t cut it. My program is now more expensive because it is popular and my clients that LISTEN AND DO get results.
If you want to stick with the (current) rate you need to make a commitment and at least let me know ahead of time when you want to cancel because the lower price is meant to reward those that stick with me to grow.
You can grow if you let me help you.
Understand one thing, My Fair Readers, the marketplace is growing in its competitiveness, our competitors are more desperate than ever, those still alive are more resilient and determined and even creative than ever,our prospects are more discerning with how they spend their money and they are getting harder to reach.
We’re all in sales and you better embrace it and get good at it and/or hire someone to help you make more sales and/or learn to automate your sales and marketing or…
…get comfortable living in a smaller house and eating at Denny’s with a coupon vs. Morton’s with a cigar.
If you’d like to see my calendar and schedule a free call with me to see how we may be able to work together please follow this link.
Or listen to your little voice and secure one of the only five private consulting slots I ever offer at a time (and a bunch of valuable bonuses I don’t make public) by following that link. Reserve your spot before I raise the price again or take it down completely as my calendar is filling up.
Good selling and Remember, Life is Good. It’s gooder when you’re selling.
If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:
Good Selling,