But No One Laid Hands On Him

From today’s reading…

So a division occurred in the crowd because of him.

Some of them even wanted to arrest him,

but no one laid hands on him.” John 7:43-44

We’re still in John 7 and see a second story in two days of Jesus stirring the pot, but the muckety-mucks are still too afraid to do anything about Him, at least publicly.

Sound familiar?

People rarely have the courage of their convictions so they gossip, they scheme, they worry, and they conspire.

They also go along to get along, because the devil makes us lazy and vain. As a result, we pay lip service to whatever is trending and in style such as,

  • “I’m spiritual, but not religious.”

  • “Love is love.”

  • “I don’t believe in organized religion.”

  • “Trust the universe to provide for you.”

  • “My body, my choice.”

  • “Gender is a social construct.”

  • “Drag queen story hour is not sexualizing children.”

  • “College is a right.”

  • “Healthcare is a right.”

  • “Universal basic income should be right.”

(Sidebar: Notice how, when the fit hits the shan with COVID-19, the World Health Organization is not tracking how many 8th Gender Aliens or Pangender or Gender Benders are infected with the Coronavirus. Just male and female. And no one is protesting or claiming discrimination or bias in the reporting. But I digress.)

But this sheltering in place does have a silver lining.

  • Misguided/neglectful parents can’t take their kids to drag queen story hour.

  • Some Planned Parenthood facilities are closed, so those little lives are being saved.

  • Christians who were questioning their faith and/or living a watered down version of it are realizing what they were taking for granted and are yearning for community, fellowship, and to keep holy the Sabbath.

People know the Truth when they hear it—and when it is taken away, subverted, or squashed.

The fact that so many people have the time, freedom, and comfort to participate in these mental machinations and logical legerdemain shows just how good we have it today, at least in North America.

There are two ironies in this though.

  1. The so-called scholarly and enlightened only have the freedom and comfort to think meaningless thoughts and say stupid things because better men and women than them have volunteered to make sacrifices they aren’t willing to make to ensure the very country the “wise” despise remains safe, strong, and viable, even for fad “tolerance” and debauchery.

  2. If the “enlightened” get their way they’ll soon be overrun by those who will take away every freedom they ever took for granted, plus 100 more they never knew they had.

So continue speaking the Truth.

Expect it to cause division.

Expect to be attacked for it.

Know that few are ready, willing, and able to do anything about it because they are physically, morally, and spiritually weak.

Know that those very people are the ones that need you to lead by example; to have the courage of your convictions; to continue speaking the Truth, because it’s the only way they’ll ever know how to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.