But your business is different, right?

This past week I met with two friends with successful businesses in totally unrelated industries.

However, one is in a slump and logically wants to turn it around, and the other is on a meteoric rise and wants even greater growth.

Both wanted to meet to discuss sales training.

After taking a closer look at both of them—especially at the sales staff and their lead-generation processes—my recommendations to them were identical.

Both had problems with unmotivated, untrainable staff.

The thriving company had an over-abundance of leads, which was creating apathy with their staff.

The struggling company had too-few leads, which was creating apapthy with their staff.

Neither had any real sales and marketing automation in place and neither had any documentation as to the processes they want and need their sales staff to follow to take a lead through my five stages of the ABCDE Inbound Sales System, which are:

  1. Attract

  2. Bond

  3. Convert

  4. Deliver

  5. Endear

I wrote earlier that you can’t expect what you don’t inspect.

If you let “the sales inmates run the asylum,” they’ll do whatever requires the least amount of work to produce the minimally-acceptable level of results.

This is how every business in every industry in every corner of the globe is exactly the same. You must recruit, hire, train, and retain motivated salespeople to have the ability to identify, connect with, and win over motivated prospects to not only buy from you, but to repeatedly buy from you, provide you testimonials, and send you referrals that do the same. 

After 19 years in full-time, commission sales, and 9 years offering sales and marketing automation software and training to over 2,355 entrepreneurs in at least 33 countries, I can tell you with 100% confidence that your business is not different.

If you’d like to network and brainstorm with like-minded entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to grow, join us at http://www.InboundSellers.com

Have a good weekend and enjoy the PGA Championship.

Good Selling,