Can You Really Double Your Sales With Inbound Marketing?

We’re going old school today. (That’s me in 2010 at the Infusionsoft conference in Scottsdale. 2010 or 1910 or 1492, what’s the difference when it comes to the internet and online sales and marketing?)

Apply Inbound Marketing to Create Easy Sales

You don’t have have a problem that a 100% increase in sales can’t fix..unless, of course, you’re buying high and selling low…but is that really a business?

The picture above is from the 2010 Infusionsoft Conference (now called ICON), which is the first conference I sponsored as The Sales Whisperer®. 

I’m standing in front of my beloved (and now totaled) Excursion with Infusionsoft’s then Product Marketing Manager, Rebecca Sprynczynatyk.

On both of my vehicles back then I proudly—and frustratingly—sported the “Double Your Sales Guarantee” (with a phone number I no longer have, thus the Photoshop editing of the phone number!)

I say “frustratingly” because I only received 8-10 calls from this signage over the span of 14-18 months so I took it off both vehicles.

If It’s Too Good To Be True..It Might Still Be True

That’s also when Infusionsoft stopped using that offer as well.

What we realized was that it sounded too good to be true, so people didn’t believe it and we all know that a confused mind says no.

Back then Infusionsoft offered a refund if you did not double your sales in 12 months.

Based on my discussions with hundreds of business owners and sales managers in dozens of industries across the country, everyone has the same issues when it comes to growing your business.

These issues revolve around three types of customers and prospects:

  1. You have current customers in good standing, using your solution, keeping up maintenance / service contracts and they are pleased with your service and support.

  2. You have past clients still using your solution but not keeping up their maintenance contracts. Chances are there has been turnover and/or cutbacks in there company and the main point of contact has either been promoted, let go or buried with an increase in duties and responsibilities and since your solution works so well it has become a classic case of “out of site, out of mind.”

  3. The final category is “the rest of the marketplace that have not heard of you.” We all know that it is more expensive to get a new customer vs. getting increased business from existing customers but marketing is the top priority of a business owner and prospecting is the top responsibility of a sales person.

However, salespeople hate to prospect, sales managers hate to have salespeople burn through cash only to whine and complain and miss their numbers and business owners hate to pay for marketing that either does not work or, worse, does work and the sales people drop the ball by either not corresponding in a timely and/or professional manner, which means you paid to have your prospects NOT buy from you!

Infusionsoft, when configured properly and used daily to attract prospects and market to them effectively (that means good content, attractive offers and compelling reasons to buy now!) will eliminate all of the problems described above in the same way robots in Detroit cut down on extended coffee breaks, workers comp claims and healthcare benefit expenses.

Infusionsoft works 24 hours a day to attract prospects, turn the pipeline into an assembly line and guarantee the proper, consistent, accurate messaging is delivered to your prospects 100% of the time to 100% of the prospects.

Without sales you have no company.

Without effective marketing you have a haggard, weary sales team.

Without Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®, and Infusionsoft you have either no system, or worse you have two or three or six or eight systems that do not all talk to each other, require error-prone double and triple entry and end up being incomplete because sales people do not and will not consistently do menial tasks that either detract from their selling time and/or could provide information that could be used to replace them or help you act as “Big Brother.”

So it’s time to automate your sales and marketing so you can take your business to the next 3 levels and beyond in the next 12 months.

Your competition is not waiting.

They are happy if you are distracted. Now’s the time to focus, roll up the sleeves, skip a few reruns of MASH or Friends or House and get a leg up on your competition while they are either distracted themselves or are underestimating your tenacity.

I can help you with all of the above beginning as early as next week if you are ready to turn your selling and marketing processes up a notch.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.