Carry Your Weight

From today’s reading…

You recall, brothers and sisters, our toil and drudgery.

Working night and day in order not to burden any of you,…”

Paul carried his own weight.

What unnecessary weight are you carrying?

They say 95% of our fears never come true and 3% that do come true aren’t as bad as we feared.

So we run around—rather, we walk around—rather, we crawl around at a snail’s pace because we place fake (but feels real) weight on ourselves, which does not enable us to carry our own true weight.

Today’s post is written in the evening instead of in the morning because I’m in Houston, TX doing what I can to assist those affected by hurricane Harvey.

By not being artificially weighed down by snide comments and materialism and consumerism and digital debates I’ve spent the day doing what I could to help people in true need.

Nobody asked who I voted for as I pulled up on a jet ski in seven feet of water, dodging submerged cars in front of their apartment building…and I didn’t ask who they voted for, either.

Last night I toiled to get through flooded roads so I could float on more flooded roads to help those who have months and years of toil and drudgery ahead to rebuild their homes and their lives, and they need our love, our support, our money, and our prayers.

Embrace your journey, your toil, your drudgery and celebrate the fact you have the will and the determination to walk it on you own.

Then reach out and lend a hand to your neighbor who needs someone like you to lighten their load for a bit.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.